Monday, December 9, 2019

Joseph Prince Featuring: God will surely show you kindness and Love: The Secret of Success

This clip is from: Joseph Prince—Experience God’s Sure Kindness Toward You (19 June 2016) Depending on your perspective of God growing up, it can be hard to associate Him with being “kind”. But watch this clip and come face to face with God’s kindness toward you—a kindness that will ALWAYS exceed your wildest expectations. Hit the play button and hear all about it.

God is not out to get you. He knows everything about you—yes, even the not-so-pretty parts—and He loves you nevertheless. And because of what Jesus Christ has done for you on the cross, God says, “Don’t be afraid, I will surely show you kindness.” Amen? A digital magazine and online channel by Joseph Prince Ministries. Check out at for more grace-centered content.

Love: The Secret of Success

1 Corinthians 13:8, The Amplified Bible

Fear of failure. It's haunted all of us at some time in our lives. Popular psychology tells us to adjust to it. But the Word of God tells us that there is a failure-proof way to live without it. It is the way of love.
If you want to know real success, you must learn to be moved and motivated by love. That's how Jesus was when He was on the earth.
Even when John the Baptist was senselessly, brutally murdered and Jesus went away to be alone, He didn't deviate from the way of love. For Matthew 14:6-14 says that even then in that emotionally taxing time when the people followed Him and would give Him no solitude, He was moved with compassion and healed their sick.
I used to wonder how Jesus could just turn away from that terrible crime and not retaliate. What I didn't realize was that He did retaliate. He overcame the works of Satan with compassion. He defeated hatred with love. He attacked Satan in the spirit realm by destroying his works of sickness and disease.
Compassion doesn't strike at the surface of things. It goes to the root of the problem. That's why it always succeeds.
"But wait!" you may say. "I can't operate like that. I'm not Jesus."
Yes you can, because the Word of God says that His love has been shed abroad in your heart! (Rom. 5:5). And 1 John 2:5 says His love is perfected in you as you keep His Word.
Commit to living the life of love today. Watch God turn failure into success at home, at any situation. Love never fails!

Scripture Reading:
Matthew 14:1-14

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