Sunday, December 8, 2019

Creflo Dollar Ministries Featuring: Your World with Creflo "A New Season Part 2"

Today’s guests are here to share their stories about choices they made that took them down a path where their confidence and self-image was utterly ripped apart. Instead of thinking, ‘I made a mistake,’ they now feel that ‘I AM a mistake’.

Shawn Troy has suffered physical, sexual, and mental abuse by her boyfriend for over 17 years. Though she would, time and again, pack her belongings and leave, she kept finding herself lured back into this nightmare that never seemed to end. When Tasha Diorr was just 17, she believed she was responsible for the senseless suicide of her mother. The pain, depression and heavy guilt has suffocated her for decades. Tasha is asking, ‘Did I kill my mom?’

Get the Two Together

A lot of people have been taught faith over the last several years, and a lot of people have been taught to abound with thanksgiving. But it's been hard to set the two together. Faith folks want to confess the Word all the time, but they don't praise God very much. And those who like to praise God just want to jump and shout and dance and have a good time in the Lord. You can't get them to get very serious about the Word.
Success comes from combining the two.
So, do it! Put them together in your life. When you run into a challenge, don't just stand around grim-faced and white-knuckled holding on to your faith. Raise your hands high and praise. Start thanking God in the midst of what's happening around you. Keep thanking Him for the answer until it comes.
Instead of just standing on the Word, let the joy of the Lord enable you to dance around on it a little. It will get you where you're going a whole lot faster...and both you and God will have a much better time on the way.

Scripture Reading:

Colossians 2:1-10

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