Saturday, December 7, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Kettlebell Complex and The 6 Minute Holiday Workout to Reduce Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life, especially around the holiday season when stress levels reach unprecedented highs. Having a healthy stress response is a good thing: it helps has thrive. Keeps us on our toes. However, when the stress hormone cortisol is too high for too long, that's when you see problems.....(Continued below)....
  • Poor sleep
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Poor focus
  • Poor memory
  • Appetite loss or gain
These are just some of the more common short-term side-effects of stress. In the long-haul, too much stress has been linked to an increased risk of insomnia, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity and mental illness.
And the holidays are supposed to be a time of peace and joy. 
The truth is no one is going to present you with a chilled out holiday season. It's up to you to create one. This doesn't mean you have to decline every invitation and bow out of family traditions: simply that you have to make time to destress and nurture mental health.
You can do this in as little as 6 minutes. Our 6 Minute Holiday Workout is a gentle and rewarding yoga session that will help boost your merry vibes and help you focus on the true meaning of the season: spending quality time with the people you love. 
So, don't get stressed out. Stretch out! Try our holiday workout. 
This holiday workout focuses on building awareness and strengthen your core. It makes sense: your core is the foundation of any yoga practice, and where we can begin to learn to develop soothing, deep breathing techniques that can help us unwind.
Grab your yoga mat and get started. Get the full BodyRock Yoga Beginner series in Sweatflix. New members can sign up for 30 days, free. Seizing this no risk opportunity is honestly one of the best gifts you can give yourself this holiday season. 
In addition to yoga workouts, Sweatflix also has thousands of other workouts of all types, for all fitness levels. Our community of members and trainers are here to help you get started in the BodyRock Insiders Group on Facebook, so after you sign up for Sweatflix ,join us there so you get the support you need to help you smash your goals.

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