Friday, December 27, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Sandbag Squats and What happens if you get hotter?

What happens if you get hotter?
It’s a fair question. If you train with us you will start to lose weight, lean out and get fit.
When someone loses 10 pounds, something in their appearance shifts. When you lose 20lbs, your whole appearance changes. While this is one of the most desired outcomes, it also can be quite challenging for some of the people around you to accept.
Unfortunately, people at work, friends, even family can sometimes have a confusing reaction to the amazing changes training with us creates - and it’s not limited to weight loss and looking hotter.....

People can react with jealousy, cattiness, or by cooling things off. As you start to see changes happening you will start to carry yourself differently. You will feel more confidence, you will feel happier in your body, and you will carry yourself like the strong badass you are becoming.
Let me ask you this: are you going to hold yourself back because the positive changes that you want to make might other people in your life uncomfortable? Are you going to keep playing it small because you are afraid of someone reacting negatively to you wanting more for yourself? Most of us have wasted too many years playing it small. No more.

I want to challenge you to start training with us. I want to challenge you to take the Beginner Bootcamp. It’s 30 days long, and it’s designed to get you up and moving again. Each workout is just 12 minutes, and you can do it right in the comfort and privacy of your living room. The first 30 days is 100% free, so you can try the whole program without any commitment, here.

I want you to succeed. I want you to stop playing life small. You have way more about you than that. I know this because we’ve helped tens of thousands of people just like you take their first steps towards fitness and living the active, healthy life that they always wanted. You can meet these awesome people here, inside our private support group. It’s free to join - why not come and say hi?

Beth xoxo

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