Wednesday, December 25, 2019

BodyRock TV Lisa Marie Featuring: Laying Chest Press and MERRY CHRISTMAS! BodyRock Trainers Share Their FAVOURITE Holiday Traditions

The holidays are a great time to slip out of the grind and into a pace that's a little more comfortable. That doesn't mean you have to enter full sloth-mode, but changing things up by slowing things down can help you refocus and reinvigorate yourself for the year ahead.

It's obvious that our BodyRock Trainers know the benefits of hard work and dedication, but they also know the benefits of balance. That's why this holiday season, they're kicking back with their loved ones and taking it easy. Or easier. 

Yes, believe it or not, BodyRock's Trainers indulge and even take a day (or days!) off working out during the holiday season. And it doesn't undo all their hard work, because health and fitness is the collective sum of hundreds of thousands of little decisions and cannot be undone by a day or two of indulgence. In fact, the occasional indulgence can renew your resolve and make you feel stronger.
So, with that message in mind, some of our BodyRock Trainers have shared their favorite holiday traditions here with the hopes of encouraging you to take time for the people, places and foods you love. 
BodyRock Trainer Holiday Traditions

“My favourite holiday tradition is just coming together as a family. On Christmas Eve, we all gather round to readThe Night Before Christmas.Everyone gets to read a page. Then, we exchange small gifts. Again, it’s really just about being together. That’s what matters the most to me.”
-Sean Light. Train with Sean in all four seasons of Fast and Furiously Fit--an incredible series for people who are revving up their fat burn and metabolism with the power of intermittent fasting!
Learn more about intermittent fasting here. Interested in starting? Grab our ebook for a comprehensive guide on how to rock your fasting (and feasting!) lifestyle. 

"My Bethercize Workout group loves to get together the morning of a big holiday so we can all smash out a workout, get our sweat on and enjoy the party that night!
I love having a big holiday party on Christmas Eve. Then Christmas Day we all lounge around in pajamas and eat leftovers."
-BethVukmanic Lopez. Train with Beth for insane lean gains in MAXHIIT on Sweatflix. New members can sign up for 30 days, free--no risk, all reward. 

My favourite Christmas traditions would definitely be getting a set of Christmas pyjamas on Christmas Eve, saving the turkey gizzards for my little pup, going to my church’s Christmas Eve service to reflect on the reason for the season, and having so many family members come together.”
-Jessica Shaw. Train with Jess in Sweatflix with BR20--a beginners guide to classic lifting for people who want to build strength and lose fat.

“I love holiday baking (both healthy and unhealthy) and spending time with family, playing board games!” 
-Kayla Davis. Train with Kayla in 12MinFit on Sweatflix. This is an awesome class for when you want to torch a ton of calories, but don’t have a ton of time. 

Share your holiday traditions with us in the comments! Want to hear more from BodyRock Trainers and your #fitfam? Join the BodyRock Insiders Group on Facebook! This is where our community comes together to be supportive, talk shop and chat about all things health, fitness and life.

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