Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Is Big Pharma Based on Fear? | Eastern Medicine: Journey Through ASIA | Thailand Sneak Peek and Can Palo Santo Wood Really Heal ME?

Image result for Is Big Pharma Based on Fear? | Eastern Medicine: Journey Through ASIA | Thailand Sneak Peek 
Join us for a sneak peek of our Eastern medicine documentary series coming soon November 13th, 2019! Ty joins us from Thailand with Dr. E. S. Rajendran Scaria and Professor Dr. Farooq F. Motiwala to talk about how modern medicine handles cancer and fear. (Video below)

 Through the beginning of the 20th century, natural medicine was just medicine. It wasn’t until after 1910 and the creation of a molecular biomedical system of medicine that modern medicine began to split off from traditional medication that had been used for generations. Previous natural treatments worked with the body as God designed it: to utilize what is in nature for restoration.

 Big Pharma masks symptoms with remedies that do not treat the underlying illness. In Western medicine, we have a corrupted cancer industry that runs on fear. By contrast, Eastern medicine embraces natural treatments that focus on curing the disease rather than hiding the symptoms, instilling confidence and hope in those they treat rather than fear. If you want to learn the truth about Big Pharma and Eastern medicine, then you don’t want to miss our groundbreaking documentary series!

Can Palo Santo Wood Really Heal ME?

By: Jay Myers

Recently Palo Santo wood has become more and more sought after as in essential oil. Palo Santo, or also known as "Holy Wood" has been used to make oil for hundreds of years. It has been known throughout South America as Holy wood and the oils produced from this wood had the power to cleanse the air of bad spirits, but more predominantly, negative energy.

In the last 50 years Palo Santo wood has been known for its beautiful color and its use in furniture, flooring and decking. The use of Palo Santo wood as flooring has created some of the most stunning rooms in the world giving that room a beautiful smell that comes from the oils in the wood that remain with it for life. Palo Santo flooring beauty is two-fold. It is beautiful to the eyes, and beautiful to the nose, pleasing 2 senses at once.

Recently Palo Santo has seen popularity on the world stage for it oil that can be produced from it. The uses for the oils from Palo Santo wood are wide ranging. Reports have included it being used for its anti-bacterial properties, its ability to enhance immunity, to reduce pain, to induce bone healing, but primarily for its ability to relax the mind. The oils from Palo Santo wood just simply have the ability to put you at peace.

The oil from Palo Santo wood contains high levels of limonene, which is a monoterpene compound that has been found to have chemo-preventive and chemo-therapeutic effects against a number of different types of cancer. It is also used medicinally for aromatherapy to counteract panic attacks and anxiety, as a respiratory remedy for cough, colds, and asthma, for headaches and migraines, and in massage therapy for pain and inflammation of the muscles and joints.

Palo Santo wood is very exotic and rare wood. In many parts of the world there is too little to of it to safely harvest it. Paraguay is one of the few countries that has plenty of supply. If you are interested in obtaining large quantities of this wood you can contact Cope Hardwoods. They are an exporter out of Paraguay that can get large quantities of this exported to anywhere in the world.

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