Friday, November 29, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: How to Make the Cancer-Fighting Essiac Tea Recipe

The Truth About Cancer presents: How to Make Essiac Tea!
 Whatever your thoughts on conventional medicine or your personal choice about following standard medical advice, there are available holistic therapies you can use in conjunction with your current cancer treatment to increase your chances of surviving a brutal and unrelenting disease. Saving lives should be everyone’s goal by any means necessary.

Rene Caisse treated her patients with an inexpensive, natural tea for fifty years – free of charge − and had the support of many renowned scientists, respected doctors, and cancer survivors until her death in 1978.

 A mixture originally used by the Canadian Ojibwa tribe, this “tea of life” was recreated by Nurse Caisse and administered to her patients starting in the 1920s. Patients who were told there was no hope by their doctors were able to beat their cancer.

 Essiac tea detoxifies the body, attacks cancer cells, and ramps up the immune system with powerful antioxidants. To date, it has proven safe for all but pregnant or nursing women. 

For best results, buy the ingredients individually and prepare it yourself. Watch the full video to learn more about how to make essiac tea. After, go here to learn more:

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