Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with The Trans-Siberian Orchestra

Obeying by Faith from CDM

Obeying God affects every area of our lives, and most of us have been taught since childhood the importance of obedience. However, over time, how we obey has changed. The transition from the Law of Moses to grace brought with it a change in requirements, from obeying a long list of rules to believing what’s now available because of God’s undeserved favor toward us. Understanding the requirements of obedience under the law versus the requirements of obedience to the faith frees us from endless self-effort.

The law stipulated that man had to act, first, before God could bless him; failure to perform correctly brought curses. Religion still teaches this mindset, and it puts considerable pressure on us to perform. Jesus came and changed all that. It’s still important for us to obey God, but relying on the finished works of Jesus rather than on our own abilities empowers us to do what we regularly failed at in the past.
Jesus replaced the Ten Commandments with just one law—the law of love. Our faith in Him allows us to love and forgive others with supernatural help from the Holy Spirit. Before, the people were commanded to love God; now, we can love others because we know that He loved us first. We’re empowered to forgive the same way.

During Jesus’ earthly ministry, when the rich young ruler asked Him what to do to be saved, Jesus answered according to the law. After His death and resurrection, the answer was completely different—believe. Faith makes the impossible possible.
God is no longer an angry God. He no longer punishes us for missing the mark and falling short, but instead is ready to show us His love and forgiveness. We can put our full faith in this.
Lord, the finished works of Jesus mean that we no longer have to strive endlessly to follow rules. We can instead simply believe in Your love for us. This changes everything. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Isaiah 1:19, 20
Deuteronomy 28:1-3, 15
John 13:34
Matthew 22:37-39
1 John 4:19
Mark 11:26
Matthew 6:14, 15
Colossians 3:13
Ephesians 4:32
Matthew 19:16, 17
Acts 16:30, 31

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