Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Rock Almighty Devotional, Praise, and Worship with Jerusalem

Be sober-minded; be watchful…firm in your faith.
— 1 Peter 5:8-9 
Emotions Are Here to Stay from Joycemeyer.org

We all have emotions, and we always will; they are part of being human. Since that is true, I believe emotional stability should be one of the main goals of every believer. We should seek God to learn how to manage our emotions and stop them from managing us.
I urge you to make emotional maturity a priority in your life. If you do not believe you are doing a good job of managing your emotions, begin to pray and seek God for emotional maturity. I also encourage you to learn what upsets you the most or prompts you to behave emotionally, and be watchful during those situations.
Prayer Starter: Father, I ask for Your help to manage my emotions. Help me to mature in You and have a greater understanding of why I do the things I do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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