Saturday, November 23, 2019

Real World Police Presented on US Sports Net by Tactical P.E. Featuring: Asbury Park Police Respond to Disgruntled Oyster Protester

Sometimes you hire someone and it just doesn't work out the way you expect. The logical move from there is to go your separate ways and move on with your lives, right? Certainly. But that's only when you're dealing with rational people. And on May 8, 2019 in Asbury Park, New Jersey.... a termination went sideways.

For Chris D'Angelo, employment at The Bonney Read seafood restaurant in Asbury Park was short-lived — a mere ten days. But after he was fired, D'Angelo wasn't done with the establishment. Instead of moving on, D'Angelo swore to "destroy" the restaurant on social media and in public, setting up a self-styled 'protest' directly in front of the eatery decrying what he alleged to be unsafe food handling practices.

 D'Angelo's allegations were firmly rooted in the unlikely. Even ignoring the fact that no one else was claiming to be sick, and that D'Angelo had just been fired, didn't appear very stable, and was clearly annoyed, The Bonney Read's owner and executive chef, James Avery, cut his teeth as Gordon Ramsay's consultant and on-air sous chef on both "Hell's Kitchen" and "Kitchen Nightmares," two shows that rocketed Ramsay to superstardom. That's not the kind of person to risk their restaurant in order to make a few extra bucks. 

 But how could the cops get D'Angelo to move along? After all, he was just flexing his constitutional rights. Watch as Asbury Park police get creative, turning D'Angelo's words against him and turning D'Angelo's promise that he was "not going anywhere" into a rapid departure.

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