Saturday, November 30, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Kettlebell Row Lunge & Squat and Keep your heart unfiltered

Keep your heart unfiltered

Striving towards an ideal of perfection can be motivating, but it can also kill your mojo. It’s a lot of pressure, and the reality is, most ‘perfect’ bodies you see out there on social media have been photoshopped. (Continued below..........)

...............(Continued) Even the ‘candid’ snaps that look casual are increasingly staged and altered. Using these types of images for motivation means that you are aiming for something that no one can achieve - not with the best workouts, trainers and nutrition. The people who are posting these images of themselves can’t even look that good. There is a better way. A more rewarding and sustainable approach.
You vs. You.

It’s you vs you remember? Try finding motivation in competing with yourself in a balanced way. Don’t feel like training? Don’t accept that from yourself. If you have a workout scheduled and NetFlix is calling instead, be strong. Choose to make the harder decision and get your workout done first. This is you competing and winning.
Did you do 15 reps of that tough exercise last time? Try for 16 next workout. This is you pushing yourself against your own personal best. If you can’t get to 16 and only get 12 reps that’s fine. The target is there. You know now what you are capable of.

Strength has nothing to do with abs or hard butt cheeks. Strength comes from your heart & soul. We get lost and confused that strength is purely physical. It’s not. Strength comes from challenging yourself to be real and human. There is no Instagram filter for Inner strength. Be proud of your body. Love it and accept it. Compete against yourself to make it stronger. Wanting to change is ok. But make the change about you - not some totally fake image. Why would you want to filter your heart and soul? It takes courage, and vulnerability to be able to get there. That goes with being unfiltered. Join Sweatflix now and take your first step. It's FREE for 30 days when you sign up as a new customer.

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