Tuesday, November 19, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Resistance Knee Drive Abs and How to Build Muscle as a Woman: The Ultimate Guide to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle the Right Way

BodyRock is your 24-hour fitness coach and workout buddy, offering high-intensity interval training exercises to help you reach your goals. Fitness is a journey, and each of our lives are comprised of stories that chart the ups and downs of our individual quests.

How to Build Muscle as a Woman: The Ultimate Guide to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle the Right Way

It's one of the most frequent questions we get asked: how to build muscle as a woman. For many of us with the XX chromosome, building muscle mass can seem like an impossible task. For one, we often want to build muscle while also losing fat. Also, we want to lean out, not bulk up. 
Rest assured: it can be done, and it can be done easily. Keep reading. Here's the ultimate guide on how to build muscle as a women. 
How Muscle Grows
How Long Does it Take to See Growth
The Best Kinds of Resistance Training for Women
How Often Should Women Resistance Train?
Why Women Won't Get Bulky From Resistance Training
The Diet Crux: How to Gain Muscle, But Lose Fat
Lifestyle Factors that Influence Lean Muscle Growth (and Fat Loss)

How Muscle Grows

When you lift heavy weights, the tiny fibres in your muscles get stressed out and tear. These tears are why you experience pain after a solid workout. It's all part of the process. When your body starts to repair the tears, the muscle grows back stronger. This is called muscle hypertrophy, and it starts within two hours of a workout and lasts, on average, for seven to eleven days. 

How Long Does it Take to See Growth

Everyone will see changes at a different pace, and really noticeable visual changes are usually detected at lower body fat percentages. So, if you're 80 pounds overweight, you'll likely feel the changes before you'll see them, because fat will cover the muscle. This said, when you put on muscle mass, you burn more fat, so the fat will start melting away eventually. 
Muscle growth for beginners is measurable around eight weeks of starting a new routine. If you're at an intermediate or advanced fitness level, you can see results in as little as three weeks. This is because your body is already adept at building muscle and is operating more effectively.

The Best Kinds of Resistance Training For Women

Let's get this out of the way: there is no best kind of resistance training for women. The best kind of resistance training for you will be whichever kind you like, that encourages you to keep training. Let's take a look at two of the most common and universally liked forms of resistance training.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). By allowing you to torch major calories during your workout while building muscle, HIIT is, arguably, the fastest and most effective way to build muscle as a women. HIIT has been shown to be more effective at cardio conditioning and muscle building than steady state cardio and unstructured weight training alone. Read the full article with video.......

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