Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: 10 Questions to Ask Before Accepting Radiation Therapy for Cancer

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Join The Truth About Cancer as we share 10 vital questions to ask before radiation therapy. After the video, go here to read the full article: http://bit.ly/questions-before-radiat....

 In the past, researchers believed that radiation could actually kill cancer cells, but researchers are now discovering that radiation treatment can actually create more cancer! Radiation cancer treatment actually promotes malignancy in cancer cells instead of killing them, and it allows cancers to grow back with even greater force.

 Many people are timid when it comes to questioning a doctor. Part of this is the unwillingness to put up with potential arrogance. However, more often it is because when we hear the words “you have cancer” we often begin to operate out of fear. We can become bullied into thinking we will die if we don’t follow the good doctor’s orders.

 Beyond the obvious questions, such as “does radiation therapy harm surrounding organs?” (yes, it does), or “will I suffer from fatigue?” (likely so), and “does it contribute to lymphedema?” (it does), there are important questions you need to ask your radiation oncologist before you accept treatment.

 Considering chemotherapy? Here are 12 questions to ask before accepting chemotherapy. Watch here: https://youtu.be/Nq-J625RkBg.

 Do YOU know what your #1 Health Killer is? Take the quiz to find out now AND receive a helpful eBook according to your responses: http://bit.ly/quiz-health-killer

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