Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Armed robber meets his match - CCTV Presented on US Sports Net by Tactical P.E.

Image result for Armed robber meets his match - CCTV 
This isn't exactly a classic case of a tactical athlete and although it looked dangerous, turns out to be strangely comical. But even more so illustrates why we all, in today's world need tactical training
-Coach Nate

This is the moment a robber attempting to hold up a store in Pennsylvania with a BB gun was challenged by a shopkeeper wielding his own weapon. A shopkeeper in western Pennsylvania, USA has foiled an attempted robbery by a suspect who entered his shop armed with a BB gun. (Video below)

 The footage shows the suspect, named by local police as 42-year-old James Hayes, entering the shop and confronting the shopkeeper with the air gun. Not allowing himself to be intimidated by the threat, the shop keeper reaches below the counter and pulls out his own firearm. After a brief stand off, the pair brawl, knocking down a display, until the shop keeper manages to chase the thief out of his store.
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The era of massive fields of cardio equipment and warehouses of strength training machines may still be dominant in extreme-fee globo-gyms, but people have been rapidly discovering the problems inherent in these membership-driven agendas.

Moving freely and powerfully like the mythical John Henry, without machine control, we develop true functional fitness through movement, not merely muscles. This is how in our system, we’ve ELIMINATED injuries in federal agencies, where injuries are usually high, and where physical conditioning is an absolute job requirement. Learn more...................

 Dare To Try

By: Reece Tedford


A unique "kickboxing" class is held multiple times a week in the rural community of Leon, IA. Volunteers teach the various classes each week of that consist of boxing, grappling, kickboxing, or more depending on who is teaching. Regardless of what the class is the community just refers to it as "kickboxing class". The group has existed for a year and has gone without a true home or even a name. Despite the lack of a steady location, name, or resources the group at times has over 40 people come through classes in a week. The attendees are diverse and not typically what you would find at a combat sports gym. Local health care professionals often refer people to the classes to improve their physical or mental health. Referrals are often those who are overweight, diabetic, victims of assault or domestic violence, or struggle with depression/anxiety. The classes are for anyone and open to the public making it a wide array of people.

Over a year ago a group of women some of which were victims of domestic violence requested that I set up a self defense class. Tigers Den MMA instructors taught those initial classes. Because of the value to the community we just haven't let the classes die as instructors have come and gone. Currently there are classes for kids, women, youth boxing, and those with chronic health conditions. One of the unique personalities and stand out students attending class is 24 year old Teyonni Walling. She attends or assists at almost every single class session each week. As newcomers nervously walk in for the first time Teyonni is a reassuring and accepting presence. The nervous faces are frequently young girls, women, or those not in ideal health. Attending class is often intimidating for most the first time. Her presence has often helped ease those nerves and made people feel more comfortable. Teyonni has experience as a peer support in the mental health field and that has served her well with the diverse population attending these "kickboxing classes".

Teyonni will become the first one in this unusual group to compete in combat sports on March 18th in an amateur kickboxing bout in Dubuque, IA. She recognizes the opportunity this presents for the entire group. She is "one of us" to a group made up of individuals that may not fit in at every gym or training group. Most competitors come from gyms full of experienced athletes and coaches. When you come from a place where the path has already been trodden down-it's hard to understand what it's like to not have that advantage. It's difficult to be the first to step into the unknown. Teyonni will be far from home on March 18th, but representing a larger group-many of whom are facing their own personal challenges. She is prepared mentally and physically to compete, but this is a win-win for the "kickboxing class" back in Leon. Teyonni hopes to inspire and embolden those in the group to take on bigger challenges themselves and see what they are truly capable of.

Teyonni will be competing on the Premium Federation Kickboxing Card for her debut.

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