Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: 3 Tips to Reduce Radio Frequency Radiation

EMFS are comprised of four major components: electric fields, magnetic fields, radio frequency, and dirty electricity. Learn how to reduce exposure here:

 Each of these components affect our wellbeing in different ways and we are beginning to understand the true extent of the damage. In today’s video from The Truth About Cancer, we focus on one of these components: rf radiation, or radio frequency radiation.

 Radio frequency is mostly used in communication devices such as telecommunication towers, broadcasting antennas, mobile phones, and wireless technologies (i.e. Wi-Fi routers, cordless phones, Bluetooth). These waves carry information from one point to another, thus making fast communication possible.

 Some health hazards of radio frequency radiation (besides cancer) are infertility, sleep difficulties, memory problems, and damage to our central nervous system. Watch the video to get the full list!

 Protect yourself and your family from the devastating effects of EMFs! Qi Technologies is a German-patented technology that cancels out the EMF frequency. This gives you a safe EMF-free zone for you and your family. Learn more about this life-saving technology here:

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