Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Real World Police Featuring: Pursuit & Arrest of Ex 'Deadliest Catch' Star Jake Harris Presented on US Sports Net By Tactical P.E.

 On 4/5/19 Real World Police published extensive coverage of the January 23, 2019 arrest of former 'Deadliest Catch' star Jake Harris following a very-slow-speed pursuit as Harris eluded a park ranger in his 1968 Cortez motorhome.
 Our April coverage included audio of radio and telephone conversations, photographs, and written reports but notably absent was footage of the pursuit and arrest. There was good reason for the absence of video at the time: the law. Washington state law does not allow for the release of video recordings of an incident until the final disposition of active criminal or civil litigation that arose from the incident [see RCW 9.73.090(1)(c) and RCW 42.56.070(1)].
 That litigation has since come to a close, and as promised in the original video, today Real World Police brings you the exclusive footage of Harris's pursuit and arrest, as well as his rather entertaining commentary on the Washington State Patrol and "Ranger Rick" during transport. Notably, after a warrant was obtained for Harris's blood it took three hospital phlebotomists nine attempts before a successful draw was possible - from the top of his foot. (Also of note: the application for a search warrant was initially denied by the reviewing judge.) 
 The former Cornelia Marie deckhand was sentenced to 18 months behind bars in Skagit County, Washington, convicted of felony DUI — fourth DUI is a felony in Washington — and possession of heroin with intent to deliver or manufacture. Much more detail on the case against Harris is in the video, though it should be noted that the charges relating to the stolen firearms were dropped. 
 The entire case file - including dozens of photos and audio - is available on Patreon. All Real World Police supporters on Patreon had early access to this video. Thank you! 
 *Particularly hilarious in this video is the exchange between 18:39 and 21:14. (For the exceptionally-strapped-for-time, 20:42 - 21:14.) 
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