Friday, August 23, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: 3 Breast Cancer Prevention Tips You Can Start RIGHT NOW

When it comes to beating breast cancer, prevention is your best bet. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women – and the most deadly. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to reduce your risk and stay healthy.

  When it comes to breast cancer prevention, forming the right habits is key. And the earlier you start, the better your chances of beating breast cancer BEFORE it develops. Women who develop these habits in their 30s are much more likely to avoid a diagnosis.
 Step #1 is all about healthy habits. Regular exercise has been proven to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer. It can also reduce the risk of recurrence for women who have already been diagnosed. Best of all, exercise is an important part of repairing the lymphatic system, which can take a real beating after diagnosis.

  Nutrition is another crucial part of reducing your chances of developing breast cancer. Food is medicine; you’re either feeding the cancer, or you’re feeding your body. There’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” diet, but cruciferous vegetables have been shown to break down aggressive estrogens and boost detoxification genes. 

 Speaking of toxins, step #2 is to reduce your toxic load. Toxins are a major cause of oxidative stress and chronic inflammation that can lead to the development of cancer. Avoiding things like EMF radiation, GMOs, and environmental toxins is just as important as finding ways to detoxify your body naturally. 

 Finally, step #3 reminds us to think twice about oral contraceptives. While your choice of birth control is an intensely personal choice, it is important to know all the facts. Hormonal contraceptives are made from artificial hormone-like substances that attempt to mimic the effects of naturally occurring hormones in the body. Synthetic progesterone and estrogens have been linked to a greater risk of breast and other cancers.

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