Sunday, August 4, 2019

Joseph Prince Recent Messages Featuring: Does God still punish people?

Ever been stuck in a challenging season where this thought has crossed your mind—“Is God punishing me because of something I did wrong in the past?", then watch this clip and let the truth of God’s Word set you free.

 Some of our wrong choices may still have very real consequences, but you can believe today, without a shadow of a doubt, that God doesn’t discipline us with diseases, accidents or trouble because at the cross, His Son, Jesus Christ, bore the punishment for all our sins (see Isa. 53:5). Jesus was raised to life because He fully satisfied the punishment for all your mistakes—that’s your assurance (see Rom. 4:25). 

When bad things happen in your life, hold on to His promise and know with full certainty that none of it is sent by your loving Savior.

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This clip is from Godly Discipline And Correction Brings Promotion (22 Jul 2018)

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A person is never truly prosperous if all he has are things and money; real prosperity requires far more than that. The Bible gives a more complete approach to prosperity, and so should we.
When our bodies prosper, we are strong and physically healthy. Even if we currently have a physical ailment, we can pray for and expect God to help us. True prosperity includes peace of mind and contentment. When our souls prosper, we flourish on the inside. We are at peace; we are full of joy; we live with a sense of purpose; we are growing spiritually; and we have strong, loving relationships with others.
Jesus said that He came so we could have and enjoy life in abundance and to the full (see John 10:10). God is the God of abundance, and He wants us to live abundant lives filled with thanksgiving and joy. 

Prayer Starter: I thank You, Father, that You prosper my body and my soul. I pray today for the health and the peace that You promise in Your Word. Thank You that I am made whole in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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