Saturday, August 10, 2019

Joel Osteen Ministries Featuring: Live Together in Unity | Victoria Osteen

The Bible says that there is a commanded blessing where there is unity. The first place to start is with our families and then that unity will radiate into other areas of our lives. If you want the commanded blessing God has promised for you, the key is to keep the bond of peace.

 This is message #709, "Live Together in Unity", by Victoria Osteen.

Exceeded Expectations

  by Joel Osteen
I heard about a man who had kidney problems most of his life. His condition continued to go downhill, and he got to the place where he needed a transplant. His wife prayed and believed that she would be a match. She was tested and learned she was a perfect match. When the surgeons performed the procedure to remove one of the wife's kidneys, they were pleasantly surprised to find she had three kidneys instead of two. This is very rare, but all of her kidneys were perfectly healthy. They removed one kidney, gave it to her husband, which still left her with two.
That was God exceeding their expectations. The apostle Paul wrote that God "is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20). God has it all figured out. He knows what you're going to need. He knows who you're going to need. He's lining up the right breaks, the right people. He's directing your steps. You're going to come into these moments where you see God surpass anything you've imagined. You can't make it happen. It's just the goodness of God.
I have a minister friend who spends most of her time on the streets helping women who have been victims of abuse and are struggling with addictions. Through a series of unusual events, she met one of the wealthiest men in the world. When he asked her what she did for a living, she explained how she helps women in crisis. He said, "That's amazing. I want to support you." He gave her the largest check she had ever received. As she was leaving his office, this man's friend came walking in. He said to his friend, "This woman helps ladies who are in trouble. I just gave her a gift. How much are you going to give?" Without missing a beat, the friend said, "I'm going to give the same amount you just gave." This lady walked out amazed, thinking, "I never dreamed I would have two of the wealthiest men in the world supporting my ministry." What was that? God doing more than she could ask or think.
You may wonder how you're going to accomplish your dreams or how you're going to get out of that difficulty. God has the right people lined up. He knows how to put you at the right place. What God has in store for you is much greater than you've imagined, and I believe sooner than later you're going to come into some of these exceeded expectations. Why don't you put your faith out there?

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