Sunday, July 7, 2019

Who Wants It Bad Enough? Presented by Beast Sports Nutrition Featuring Columbia 2019 Winter Workouts Highlight and What I've Overcome To Be A Champion

Columbia Football  2019 Winter Workouts Highlight

Now this from Beast Sports Nutrition: 

What I've Overcome To Be A Champion

What I've Overcome To Be A Champion
The following article is commentary from IFBB Pro Men’s Physique Competitor and Olympia Champion, Brandon Hendrickson. In this piece, he discusses what it took and what he had to overcome to be a champion.
“One Day I Want to Become a bodybuilder…”
I decided to get into bodybuilding in 2012, but my dream to one day become a bodybuilder began back in my junior year of high school. I have an extensive background in sports which includes soccer, football, wrestling, and track. One day after school and track practice, I was training in the gym with one of my best friends at the time, Keke. I remember just talking to her at the age of 17 saying, “One day, I want to become a bodybuilder.” She just kind of laughed at me but never doubted my dreams about it.
I Was THAT KID in School
In high school, I was known as the “kid with abs.” Between classes and during lunchtime I remember girls touching my abs and wanting me to show them. I think that was the moment that sparked the idea of being some sort of entertainer at some point in my life.
I got used to and comfortable with the attention and “all eyes on me” concept. Fast forward to 2012, I met a friend who began working out. I had just graduated college (2009), was working full-time, but was still in party mode from college. Not caring about what and when I eat.
My First Taste of Men’s Physique
My friend at the time started going to the gym and was approached by a women’s bodybuilding coach (bikini). My friend learned of her potential and began getting coached. She did a small local show and I went to support. It was the first year my division (Men’s Physique) started.
At the show, I was immediately intrigued by the Men’s Physique athletes. They weren’t the huge bodybuilders I expected to see. Being only 5’9” and 145 pounds at the time, I found this division to be very attainable for me to compete in and at least get me involved in sports again. I figured, what can I lose? Body fat?? Sign me up!
Is This the Right Move for ME? Can I Become a Champion?
Convincing my family and friends that this was what was meant for me to do wasn’t easy and something I had to overcome. My parents were really concerned in the beginning because they didn’t quite see how I could become successful with bodybuilding because it was so rare. I kept training and working and started winning and they started to see my vision.
I kept studying and perfecting my craft and showing them that it’s possible to become successful in the sport – convincing them that I WAS MADE FOR IT. I kept competing and proving myself until they eventually saw my vision.
You have to believe in your vision and not listen to others because you are not living for them, you are living for you and what makes you happy! No matter what anyone says or does, you have to keep going and overcome whatever steps in your way. Eventually, when you become a champion, they are going to ask how you did it!

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