Saturday, July 13, 2019

Video Leak Police Presented on US Sports Net by TacFit Survival - Body Cam: Fatal Shooting of 17-Year-Old Girl on Anaheim Freeway and Ways to Detect Teen Depression

Hannah Williams fatal shooting video.

 FULLERTON Orange County, California--- Fullerton Police Friday released body cam video of an officer fatally shooting a 17-year-old girl on the freeway in Anaheim. The footage, which was released by the Fullerton Police Department after it was shared with the family of 17-year-old Hannah Williams, also shows the replica handgun lying on the Riverside (91) Freeway as the wounded teen writhes in pain on the roadway. More Details in the video.

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Ways to Detect Teen Depression

By: Jason Nichols

Depression is much more common than most of us realize — but the signs of depression are often difficult to detect. This is especially true when it comes to teen depression. The teenage years are already difficult, with emotional, physical, and hormonal changes that often cause confusion and anxiety. These years are so tumultuous that signs of depression can often be mistaken for normal teenage angst or moodiness. For many parents, it’s not easy to recognize the signs of depression in teens. But depression affects up to one in eight teens. Learning how to recognize the signs of teen depression is crucial for parents. Untreated depression can cause serious problems for teens and their families. Take a look at some of the indications and warning signs to look for in your teen.

Causes of Teen Depression

Causes of teen depression are similar to the causes of adult depression. When looking for signs of the condition, it’s important to consider what kinds of factors might be triggering your teen’s depression. Taking note of possible risk factors makes it easier to pick up on any signs of depression that might develop.

Major life events such as the death of a family member or friend, or the separation or divorce of parents may trigger depression. Certain medical conditions, particularly those that affect hormones, can also cause depression in teens. Substance abuse; poverty; physical; emotional or sexual abuse and violence can all set off teen depression. Genetics plays a role too, as children with family members who have suffered from depression are more susceptible to becoming depressed themselves.

Signs of Teen Depression

Teen depression was particularly difficult to diagnose in the past. Teenagers are less likely than adults to articulate their feelings — and this means it’s more difficult for adults to recognize when teens are feeling depressed. A teenager who is at risk of depression will likely show signs of at least five of the following symptoms for two weeks or longer:

• Withdrawal from friends and family
• Lack of interest in hobbies and activities
• Persistent feelings of guilt, anxiety, hopelessness, pessimism or sadness
• Insomnia
• Excessive fatigue, often accompanied by excessive daytime sleeping
• Physical symptoms such as headache, stomach ache, backache, cramps, digestive problems, with no apparent cause, which do not respond to depression help
• Overeating or lack of interest in food, with rapid weight gain or weight loss
• Lack of interest in the future
• Reduced attention span and concentration ability
• Poor memory, inability to make decisions
• Academic performance below normal level
• Risky or rebellious behavior, such as substance abuse or sexual promiscuity

Teen Depression and Suicide Warning Signs

Persistent, severe depression carries a risk of suicide. The warning signs indicating that a teen is at risk of attempting suicide should always be taken extremely seriously. If you notice these signs, call a suicide hotline, mental health worker or family doctor. Talk to your teen. Do not ignore these warning signs:

Worsening depression

Sudden emotional change from sadness to being calm or happy
Talking about suicide or death, or talking about being worthless or hopeless
Loss of interest in things the teen once cared about, such as hobbies and other activities
Reckless behavior that endangers the teen’s life
Giving away treasured possessions, writing goodbye letters, or writing a will
Lack of interest in life and the future

Teen Depression Diagnosis and Management

While there are no medical tests used to diagnose teen depression, doctors and mental health professionals are able to identify the condition by talking to the teen and perhaps family members or teachers. Based on a psychological evaluation, a doctor can assess the severity of the teen’s depression and determine if he or she may be at risk of attempting suicide.

During the diagnostic process, a doctor will probably also look for signs of any other mental health problems such as schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, or anxiety disorder, which might exacerbate depressive symptoms.

Treating teenage depression usually involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Antidepressants may help to restore disrupted brain chemistry to normal levels, while psychotherapy provides the teen with an outlet to talk about his or her feelings and behavior in a non-confrontational and nonjudgmental setting. It is particularly important that these two modes of therapy are combined, to give the teen a chance to articulate feelings or talk about life events that may have triggered the depression.

Parents can help their teens by allowing them some breathing room, even though their instinct may be to take care of them or force them to talk about what’s bothering them. Still, without being overbearing, it’s important to make yourself available to your teen if he or she does want to talk. A depressed teen will often respond more positively to a third party such as a psychotherapist, than they will to a parent, but it’s important to try to establish open lines of communication.

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