Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Scoreboard Mall Deal Alert Hitchfit Online Personal Fitness Training

Are You Ready To Lose Weight? Click Here to Get Started Today!
Is your goal to build muscle and lose fat If so then continue reading…  
Jim, who is 53 years old successful veterinarian, busy family man and business owner got to the point in his life that enough was enough when it came to his health.  After going through a health scare and seeing pictures of himself from a weekend family trip he knew it was finally time to make the necessary changes needed to build muscle and lose fat, most importantly getting healthy.  His 1st journey he connected with a local Ymca personal trainer who helped him jump start things and helped build his initial foundation losing some fat and getting stronger.  His next goal was to take it to the next level and that is where we came in.  He started his journey focused on building muscle, in 4 months we gained 9 lbs of lean muscle changing the overall look of his body and gaining even more strength.  The next 3 months would be focused on losing fat and getting as lean as possible and maintaining that lean muscle he worked so hard for.  You dropped his body fat% to an amazing place.  Although the initial goals were based around the physical side of things the things that stood out to me the most were the increases in overall confidence, the people around him that were being impacted and knowing this was now a lifestyle that was apart of who he was.  He took control back , making his health a top priority and in the meantime built a body he was proud of.
Jim I am super proud of you for your hard work and dedication. It has been a blessing to go through this journey with you.  Your story will impact so many people around the world.  Happy to call you my friend!!
Jim’s Transformation Stats
Very start- (205 lbs with 27% body fat started with Ymca Trainer)
Day 1 (Pre Build Muscle Phase) 
Weight – 184 lbs
Stomach – 34 1/2″
Body fat%- 12.22
Start of Losing Fat Phase –
Weight 191 lbs
Stomach- 35″
Body fat% – 10.8%
Final Transformation-
Weight 180 lbs
Stomach- 32″
Body fat% -6.61%
Kansas City Personal Trainer
Jim’s Testimonial 
I have always been thin and able to eat anything I wanted until I hit my mid-40’s. (Or so I thought.)  I was thin on the outside, but not healthy on the inside because of a poor diet.  I ate M&M’s for dinner and it turns out that a half gallon of ice cream is not two servings.
By the age of 50, my waist had grown exponentially, resulting in a gut.  I also had a full round face, but my arms did not fill out my sleeves as my muscles had atrophied.  As my weight rose, so did my blood pressure and cholesterol.  Two years ago, I was served a wakeup call.  I was at the office and started to lose vision and felt tingly numbness on my left side.  I called my wife and said “I think I had a stroke.”  She led me by my earlobe to the ER where they confirmed I had a mild stroke called a TIA.  This scared me, so I tried half-measures by modifying my diet a little.  I was still eating fast food at this point as I spent the majority of my day either working or transporting and attending sporting events for my children and I didn’t think I needed to plan my meals, or schedule time to work out and change my lifestyle.  Later that summer, while at the lake with family, some pictures were taken of me that shocked me as to what I had become.  A fat, skinny man.  Belly hanging over my belt-line, man-boobs and a face like a soccer ball.  My arms were so thin, my shirt sleeves flapped in the wind.
Day 1 At Hitch Fit and His Transformation Finish
Build Muscle And Lose Fat
I knew I needed to make a change, but it still took me four months to take action that would eventually lead me to a two-year journey to improve my health, lose fat and build muscle.  I spent the first six months working with a YMCA trainer in conjunction with working on my own.  Shout out to Kim for getting me started on my journey!   I was able to lose weight and gain strength and muscle, but my competitive side knew I could do more.  (Typical over achiever!)  Frankly, I have never been comfortable in a gym as I am not built like a body builder.  I started asking around for the next level of training and several friends told me about a transformation gym called Hitch Fit.
Build Muscle Male
On the day I summed up the courage to walk into Hitch Fit, I met Micah.  I went in to interview a trainer, but found out he was interviewing me to see if I was a good fit and if I was ready to “get serious.”   We talked about my personal goals about getting leaner and building muscle.  Micah presented to me a detailed diet and coached me on what supplements would help me to achieve the goals I was wanting along with a training program.   (Thank you Magnum Pharmaceuticals.)
Fit Over 50 Build Muscle Man
I worked with Micah two days a week for 16 weeks for the first phase to help me bulk.  I was able to add 9 pounds of lean muscle during this phase.   Phase 2 was to get lean and become the best version of me.  With Micah’s help, diet plan, supplements and training program, I was able to get down to 6.61% bodyfat which is a major achievement as I started with approximately 27% body fat. To Build Muscle and Lose Fat Over 50 seemed impossible but when you make positive choices and work hard anything is possible. 
I cannot thank Hitch Fit and Micah enough for devising a tailored program that would enable me to achieve my personal goals with the added bonus of increasing my life expectancy exponentially and having a life-long plan for health.
A Funny Side Story : My credit card company noticed a transformation too! When I stopped fast food visits, no problem. But when I went to Sprouts to get healthy food…. the fraud alert sounded as this was way out of bounds from my previous food habit (apparently the noticed) the card was declined and my card company called me to verify the purchase ?!?!?  
I came to Hitch Fit to get a better look and I left with a better life.

Program Choice: Get Big Get Ripped

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