Friday, July 26, 2019

Real World Police Presented on US Sports Net By TacFit Survival Featuring: "Did You Know That Your Fiancée Just Swallowed a Bunch of Crack?" (Part III)

A while back I posted the first video in this series, promising that more was to come. Fortunately, I didn't say when that would happen. So with a nod to the saying 'better late than never,' Part II recently went up. Keeping the momentum going, I present the third video in the series.
 When the Mercedes before them came back with a warrant hit for a female, Cincinnati’s finest drove in for a closer look at the driver. The moment they confirmed that a female was behind the wheel, a traffic stop was in order.
 As the stop progressed it emerged that the driver of the car wasn't the female they were looking for, but as quickly as that door to arrest closed others opened. It's "Everyone Gets Arrested Day" in this Cincinnati installment of Real World Police.
 This series shows the traffic stop, search, and arrest from the perspective of different officers on scene. Part III is from the perspective of the K9 handler. Subsequent installments will be available on Patreon.
 *Believe it or not, what you see in this video is only mildly thorough for a vehicle search. In an upcoming video I will show what a thorough search looks like.
 ~~~ Want to help make Real World Police happen AND get rewarded for it? Become a supporter on Patreon today and get access to supporter-only content as well as early access to many videos! 

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