Monday, July 1, 2019

Joseph Prince Recent Message Featuring: Temptation: Too hot to handle? - Word Vs. World - Ep 5

Driving your friend of the opposite gender home “because it’s late.” Watching that movie because you’re sure you can ‘handle’ those steamy scenes. Been there before, thought you had everything under control, only to have things go completely outta hand?

 God gets us with all our human failings…and that’s why His advice to FLEE sexual immorality (see 1 Cor. 6:18)—to RUN from it—is still legit today. 

 Watch and see how God isn’t a dictator denying you pleasure, but your loving Father who wants you to live a life unbridled by the shame of failing in this area. Even if you feel like you’ve failed here before (and we know it’s no laughing matter), God wants to help you find victory over it moving forward. Trust us when we say this 3-minute clip is pretty life-changing!

 --- A digital magazine and online channel by Joseph Prince Ministries. Check us out at for more grace-centered content. 

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Later Is Here!

Matthew 24:45

The Word tells us that God shows Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are "perfect" toward Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). That word perfect doesn't mean that we have to do everything just right and live without making a mistake. Thank God, we don't have to do that. It means "devoted"—a heart consecrated, dedicated, loyal and faithful to God.
The mistakes we make will not stop God from working in our lives. Only our lack of faithfulness can do that.
Who is faithful? The one who spends his time doing what God has called him to do. Or as Jesus put it, the one who takes up his cross and follows Him. The one who denies his fleshly desires and spends his life on the things God desires him to do.
Maybe God has been urging you to spend more time in His Word and in prayer or dealing with you about ministering more to the people around you. He may be calling you to pray for the sick or to teach the Word. But you're busy, so you glide on with good intentions and tell God you'll do it later. Well, later is here!
Decide today that you are going to be the faithful and wise servant. Find out what is stealing your time from the Lord. Serve His interests instead of your own.
Do you want to be a ruler in the household of God? Do you want Him to show Himself strong for you? Then take up Jesus' thoughts today. Take up His purposes and His plans. Now is the time to be faithful!

Scripture Reading:
Matthew 24:42-51

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications    All rights reserved.

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