Tuesday, June 11, 2019

US Sports Strength & Conditioning - BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Spin #8 and Iced Chocolate Dream: Try this Clean & Cool Drink for Chocolate Lovers

Iced Chocolate Dream: Try this Clean and Cool Drink for Chocolate Lovers

Sugar-free, dairy-free, creamy as hell and abounding with incredible health benefits, this is our go-to drink when we need to crush a chocolate craving. We have a whole load of recipes just like this one in our new ShredFast ebook, and each is created to show you that eating real food can be really healthy and unbelievably nutritious. It’s simply a matter of educating yourself and retraining your brain to acknowledge that there are other alternatives to the quick-fix junk foods out there, and the alternatives are equally (if not more) delicious.  (They’re also super affordable. Use promo code FASTED to get the ebook for $30 off now.)

Taste the Difference! Try the Iced Chocolate Dream…

We use a splash of vanilla stevia to add sweetness to this bevvy. Not only is stevia a sweet herb that has absolutely zero sugar, but stevia has actually been shown to control blood sugar levels. Another perk: the addition of vanilla makes this particular stevia great for people who don’t like the taste of this plant alone.
Next up, the coconut milk, which leads this recipe it’s distinctly creamy texture. We also love coconut milk because it contains less additives than most other milk alternatives, and coconut can improve fat loss and brain function.
Finally, the cocoa/cacao is loaded with powerful polyphenols, which are antioxidants which can aid in weight loss, cardiovascular and digestive health (and more!), and a healthy hit of magnesium.  You can read more about the difference between cocoa and cacao powder here, but suffice it to say that cacao contains more polyphenols and will give you the most benefits.
Ready to drink up? Try our Iced Chocolate Dream!
Here’s what you’ll need:
(makes two servings  — multiple ingredients to make more)
  • 4 tbsp cocoa/cacao powder
  • 8 tbsp canned coconut milk (we like Aroy-D because there are no additives)
  • 16-18 drops vanilla stevia
  • 2 cups boiled water
Mix all ingredients together and then chill for three hours or overnight. Enjoy!
Make your own coconut whipped topping and add dark chocolate chips as a garnish for the most mouthwatering presentation.
And remember, there’s almost always a better way to enjoy the foods and drinks you love more healthfully. Start with our new ebook and see for yourself. Use promo code FASTED for $30 off (limited time!) and enjoy over 40+ meals, snacks and desserts made for deliciously easy clean eating.


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