Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Chemotherapy Alternatives: 4 Extraordinary Natural Cancer Treatments That WORK!

Today we have something a little different for you. We review 4 of the best natural cancer treatments that we discovered on our journey through Asia.

 Are you looking for unconventional cancer cures? What are the best natural choices for chemotherapy alternatives? What is the Dy-Liacco protocol? Can acupuncture fight cancer? These are just a few of the questions you might have if you have been diagnosed with cancer.

 There is hope, you are not alone, and there are steps you can take to be healthier. Discover the incredible way ozone therapy is being utilized in Taiwan. Learn about how sound and light therapy can target cancer cells, leaving healthy cells alone. Discover unique acupuncture that uses solar energy to fight cancer. And finally, we uncover the amazing Dy-Liacco protocol by Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco. See over 140 hidden protocols in the full series:

 In the summer of 2018, we traveled through Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and India. Asia is the birthplace of natural medicine with records as old as the 3rd century BCE showing the use of specific natural remedies. Remarkably, we still use some of them today! Over 60 experts, medical doctors, herbalists, and cancer survivors tell us what they did, how they did it, and what their results were in “Eastern Medicine: Journey Through ASIA.”

 Meet the Expert: Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco
Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco is a doctor of metabolic medicine in the Philippines. His incredible protocol is so powerful and easy to use that he has not even seen all of the patients who have used his protocol to recover from cancer.

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