Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Erin Elizabeth on Her Personal Experience with Vaccine Injury | The Truth About Cancer LIVE

Join Erin Elizabeth as she discusses her awakening to the truth about vaccines, experiencing her vaccine injury, and being brave.

 Have you heard about the controversy surrounding vaccines? Are you worried about the possibility of vaccine injury? Do you have concerns over vaccine side effects? Do you believe you should have the choice to accept or refuse different types of medical care?

 In this video, Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News explains the importance of being brave. She shares her vaccine injury story, along with tales of parents protecting their children, and family members coming to understand the truth about the vaccine industry. The full presentation is part of the Live Event recordings which can be found here, http://bit.ly/2017-live-event-dvd.

 There is hope, you are not alone, and there are steps you can take to be healthier. Follow this link to learn more about the science of vaccines with Del Bigtree: http://bit.ly/vaccines-for-children.

 About The Truth About Cancer

 Our mission here at The Truth About Cancer is to educate the world on ALL the solutions and choices available to prevent and beat cancer, not just the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation you hear from the conventional cancer establishment.

 Every single day, tens of thousands of people just like you are curing cancer and/or preventing it from destroying their bodies. It’s time to take matters into your own hands and educate yourself on real cancer prevention and treatments. It could save your life or the life of someone you love.

 TTAC co-founder Ty Bollinger traveled the country and the globe and sat down with the foremost doctors, researchers, experts, and cancer conquerors to find out their proven methods for preventing and treating cancer.

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