Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Cancer Defeated USA - Chris Beat Cancer Featuring: James Templeton 30-Year Stage IV Melanoma Survivor

CHRIS BEAT CANCER (the book) is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller! Get it on Amazon here: Available in hardcover, e-book and audio book, read by yours truly. :)

James Templeton 30-Year Stage IV Melanoma Survivor

James Templeton was diagnosed with melanoma that eventually progressed to Stage IV back in the mid-1980s. After conventional treatment failed him, James took a holistic approach to healing, radically changed his diet and his lifestyle and healed his cancer. He is now a 30-year stage IV melanoma survivor!
James is also the author of the new book
 I Used to Have Cancer: How I found my way back to health.
I know you’ll get a ton of wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration from James. Enjoy!

 Show Notes
-Just a regular guy trying to escape fate [01:32]
-A suspicious mole [06:40]
-From happy-go-lucky to totally depressed [11:06]
-Learning to fight like hell [18:05]
-“If they can do it, so can I” [22:00]
-A literal escape from the hospital [27:38]
-Getting high off of food and life [34:25]
-Chewing becomes a spiritual experience [38:41]
-The Macrobiotic Diet [41:25]
-Learning to reconnect your body and spirit [46:55]
-Intestinal parasites & cancer [51:00]
-UNI KEY Health [57:26]
-Meeting Dr. Hazel Parcells [1:00:00]
-Most beneficial cancer/parasite herbs [1:07:57]
-IV Vitamin C [01:10:04]
-Should you add animal protein back into your diet? [01:13:04]
-When is chemotherapy the right choice? [01:15:26]
-Cleaning up 100% and taking massive action [01:17:46]

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