Wednesday, June 12, 2019

BodyRockTV - Lisa Marie Featuring: Clean & Snatch Overhead Squats

BodyRock #FitFam Motivation: Meet Candy & Kiko!

You don’t have to strip down to your underwear or slip into a bikini to be an inspiration to your #FitFam. Pictures and stories in everyday clothes from our exceptional BodyRockers are just as inspiring, showing us what hardwon gains look like in real-life.
This week, we want to give props to two BodyRockers who prove that you can look strong AF and sexy as hell fully clothed. Keep reading to learn how these incredible women got in the best shape of their life from home!
But first!Are you a member of our Insider’s Group? If not, join the BodyRock Insider’s Group on Facebook! This is where our trainers and BodyRockers convene to talk shop, asking questions and receiving advice on fitness, nutrition and life in general.

Meet Candy

I found BodyRock when Lisa did the 30 Day Real Time Challenge. I am not really sure what year it was, but I loved her personality and I was hooked. It was during that challenge that my love for skipping happened. I would say for the last 4-5 years I have been an avid BodyRocker! I LOVE the trainers and the community. I have done Insanity, Piyo, Turbo Fire, and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and none of them have given me the results like BodyRock workouts. I am a BodyRocker for life!😄

Meet Kiko

Tried a pair of jeans I bought 7 years ago. I couldn’t wear them after my second pregnancy (I could put them on but they were a bit too tight. I tried them on once in awhile anyway to see how they fit). Recently, I tried them on and they were so much more comfortable than before, considering that I was 117 lbs when I bought, and now I almost 10 lbs heavier.
#Ditchthescale for good! 👊
Are you a BodyRocker who wants to share her or his story with us? We’d love to hear it! Submit your stories

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