Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Truth About Cancer Featuring: Global Health News Ep. #37 | Link Between Pollution & Measles Outbreaks | The Disease Money Machine

Turn your volume up warriors. Audio is low on this video. Our apologies.

Thank you for joining us for Episode #37 of Global Health News, Truth That Matters with Ty and Charlene Bollinger! If you missed past episodes of GHN, catch up here: This week in global health, we start with breaking news on links between air pollution and measles.

 According to an article that was just released by our friend Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo, exposure to air pollution is "significantly associated" with measles instances in China. This is a critical link as vaccines are mandatory in China and have been for a long time. And they have had dozens and dozens of measles outbreaks in that time. So, it's not necessarily the virus that is the culprit but the immune system of the host! Very interesting in light of the current measles "outbreak," isn't it?
Next, we discuss whether or not drug-driven medicine has become a form of human sacrifice. 

With 786,000 iatrogenic, that is medically caused, deaths every year in the U.S. this is information you don't want to miss. Watch the full video to find out how Big Pharma is turning diseases into currency. 

 In other news, New York mayor Bill De Blasio continues to mandate public health. He recently said, "I don't know if anti-vaxxers have committed any crime, but I think we should go and find out if they have. And if they have, I'm in favor of criminally prosecuting people." We believe that every individual deserves to choose their medical care without fear of medical abduction or forced vaccinations. Read more about this at

Finally, we share Charlene's FAB 3 tips for older individuals to stay healthy in their golden years. If you enjoy this video, please share with your friends and family!

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