Monday, May 27, 2019

Joseph Prince Recent Messages Featuring: This is how much I love you. - God and Jesus the Christ - His Love and Nature

"Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him (Jesus)…” (Isa. 53:10). Have you ever read this verse and wondered how this could be possible? Watch and find out why in this animated video—with a very sweet and personal story from Joseph himself. Psst: It’s all about God’s extravagant love for you and me—how He willingly gave up even His one and only Son, our Lord Jesus to save us from our sins, (see Rom. 5:6–8 MSG).

We pray you’ll experience your heavenly Father’s deep compassion for you afresh today.

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This clip is from The Prayer That Repairs Your Body (10 Sep 2017)

Jesus the Christ - His Love and Nature
By: Faye Hines

Likewise imagining what Jesus looked like, the way Jesus the Christ walked and talked is in addition a mystery. Details on the Lord’s favorite meals and moment in time of the daylight hours is a delight come spot on, meant for all of us to know, and the just evidence we take part in pertaining to His characteristics is through the expressions He spoke thousands of years past.

Hundreds of movies on the life and point in time of Jesus commit illustrations on what He probably looked like but all person who lives on God’s lush earth contain a unique personality. We know He is the son of God, but Jesus is a chap who had needs, wants and requirements. I’ve personally learned that Jesus wanted acceptance from His community, several wanted Him and more or less rejected Him. This delicate need of Jesus the Christ, remains to this period in the role of millions pick up again to believe Jesus as their Lord and Savior all year.

The nature of Jesus the Christ, from what we realize in the scriptures, shows how He is a chap who loved folks who felt unloved, He cautioned many to reach and ‘sin no more,’ and He furthermore had a deep passion for every goal the Father sent Him to carry out. Primarily, I want to dig deeper inside the revelation about His tenderness.

Jesus held these words, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him" (John 14:23). Notice how He says if you loved Him you desire keep His word? So many inhabitants abuse the inkling of God being love and more or less ignorantly think it’s OK to take God’s love exclusive of giving love in return. Rarely do we human beings love those who don’t love us back, nor would we settle for a correlation that lacks cooperation and is absent from love. In other terms, God can love you more greatly once you decide to love Him exactly the same.

God is not emotional with His love but we humans can stay so greedy with our affections and love. The Lord is very constant and balanced with His love and it’s time for us to be taught how to be lasting and balanced with our relationships. Therefore, the Father wants you to wish Him with a lot of passion and trust.

The Father requires perfection and yet we hear a lot of sermons telling us how no individual is wonderful. The certainty is, everything has been perfected through Jesus the Christ! The word of God is great, Heaven is spot on, God is complete, the blue sky is great but we think all humans ought to lack perfection! Moses was the meekest gentleman on earth when killing an Egyptian, and he was able to go into God’s presence, on Mount Horeb, this seems total to me. "Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you" (John 5:14).

In concluding, Jesus the Christ done all goal He prearranged made known to complete and He did it flawlessly. He walked and talked approaching the Father and how much He gives life to persons who pick to receive Him. It is time intended for you to consent to Him complete His wish and appeal for your life so you can live triumphantly.

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