Tuesday, May 28, 2019

iHealthTube Featuring: These Conditions Linked to Gut Health and Chia Seeds Market to surpass the Flax seeds in the near future

Just how important is gut health? It's becoming more and more of a hot topic in health these days. In this video, Dr. Martin Singh discusses gut health, the issues that can arise from poor gut health and some natural treatments.

 Chia Seeds Market to surpass the Flax seeds in the near future

By: Pradeep Tatikonda

Being healthy is a privilege. Working out, yoga, nutrition analysis and tracking calories along with those steps and heartbeat monitors have become a part of a health-conscious lifestyle. However, do we consume enough healthy foods instead of just following fads?

Individuals need macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fibers as a part of their diet. Any mismatch in the proportion can lead to an inch gain or loss of stamina in the long run. Therefore, it is essential that the number of nutrients consumed be tracked properly in order to maintain a balance in the diet and overall health regime.

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, iron, calcium, anti-oxidants, and other essential enzymes that are crucial for a healthy metabolism and weight loss process. The composition of these seeds facilitate regulating cholesterol levels in the body and cleansing the gut bacteria for a healthy bowel movement too! Known to guard the heart against strokes, these tiny seeds are an excellent substitute for eggs.

Consume it raw as a spoonful of goodness or mix it with water and allow it to swell up, these seeds are extremely versatile and can be cooked as a part of your everyday meal. Rich in protein, it is a great supplement to overcome protein deficiency and facilitate the weight loss process if you have been trying for the same.

Introduced as part of multiple diets, such as keto, GM or even a regular diet regime it also compensates for the micronutrient volume in the body such as manganese, potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, and others. Studies prove that chia seeds can help reduce obesity, diabetes, and risk of other lifestyle diseases. One teaspoon of chia seeds has an equal number of nutrients compared to a fruit or a vegetable that you might miss as a part of your hectic lifestyle.

Chia is in demand widely due to its nutritional and cosmetic value. Be it in the form of raw seeds, grounded powder, or oil; chia has recorded a compound annual growth rate of 40.62%. As a part of the market study, it is expected that the annual revenue will clock a whopping amount of $1.5 billion by 2021. Not only the product is high in demand due to its gluten-free content, but also a difference between the demand and supply chains have trodden the path for an exaggerated growth.

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