Tuesday, May 7, 2019

BodyRockTV - Lisa Marie Featuring: Resistance Bar Hamstring Deadlift

BodyRock #FitFam Motivation Monday: Meet Kim and Callie!

We’re never disappointed by the BodyRockers in our #FitFam. That’s why, every week, we’re stoked to be able to share their stories of triumph with you. It’s not just triumph over the battle of the bulge, either. In fact, just about any one of these people would tell you fat loss only one of the many perks of getting fit with BodyRock. Fat, after all, is just something you have, like brown hair or blue eyes or an embarrassing photo in your high school yearbook. Fundamentally, it has nothing to do with who you are  — and that’s what getting healthier helps you uncover. The real you. The strong you. The confident AF you.
It’s a process, and it’s far from perfect, but we’re honoured to be a part of it for all of our FitFam— and today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to two of them.

Meet Kim

I made the decision to change my lifestyle on October 1st 2013. I had recently gotten married and I had packed on some weight. I weighed over 200 lbs. Completely unhealthy. I joined a gym during a 16 week free program they were having. I never really learned anything from them. I lost interest in that and I was stuck with a contract for three years. It was a nightmare trying to get out of that. I tried a couple other at home fitness programs. Again, didn't learn much from them. I lost a lot of money that's for sure! I got minimal results and I was getting depressed and frustrated. Then about three years ago, I was scrolling through Instagram and I found Lisa and BodyRock I turned a spare bedroom into a home gym, started investing in equipment and I have been a loyal BodyRocker since that very day I found BodyRock on Instagram. 90% of my results came from SweatFlix and BodyRock. The other 10% came from my previous efforts before BodyRock. Thank you!

Meet Callie

I started my fitness journey with BodyRock in May 2017. It’s been a very hard but an amazing journey! Today, my fitness routine looks like this: Monday to Saturday, I do the HIITMAX lives. I always do full body on Monday and Friday, then one day is for lower body, one day upper body, one day abs and one day is bodyweight. I also eat super clean! My biggest challenge to this day? Probably my glutes!
Are you a BodyRocker who wants to share her or his story with us? We’d love to hear it! Submit your stories to lisa@bodyrock.tv.

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