Monday, May 13, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Resistance Tuck Abs - *Real Life Noises* and In the Moment
One thing I’m certain of. You have a fitness history, a backstory, a tale, that if we got to meet in person, (after hugs and high fives) you would feel almost compelled to tell me about.

I’ve been lucky enough to meet thousands of you guys over the years, and I’ve heard lots of personal stories.

I’ve heard stories that would swell your heart with pride, stories of women that have faced up to their challenges in the most courageous ways, stories of heart break and loss that would make your eyes blink with tears and make your heart swell with empathy and love. We’ve been through a lot together as a community. We’ve shared a lot and only gotten stronger.
Let’s be honest - we’ve all had the sh*t kicked out of us one way or another. That’s just life. But we pick ourselves and each other back up and we celebrate together the wins. And I guess we are coming to the point of this, when I tell you, that the best way we can honour where we’ve come from and the journey we’ve made to get this point is to keep going. Keep pushing, keep fighting, and as BodyRockers, never quitting.

The decision around your fitness, your diet, your confidence, your sense of self worth, it’s made in the present moment, in the now. You have the power to decide, to choose. As invested as we can be in our past, in our struggles and what we’ve been through, our future is decided in the now. You have a fresh chance to start again now. Your past, good, bad or otherwise does not define you.

The real power of this, is that, on the days when I feel down, defeated, lazy, or just not in the damn mood, you guys show up for me and we get our training done together. That’s the proof I have that BodyRocking works. Because I can guarantee you that there are days when the only thing that keeps me going is you. Let me do that for you.
If you want to get in the best shape of your life, choose now. Choose yes. If it’s been a while since you’ve moved in any kind of fitness type of way, then start with the Beginner Bootcamp. It’s 12 minutes a day, coaches you through the moves and will get you moving again and saying YES again to your goals.

It’s free for 30 days, and requires basically no gear or equipment. If you want to speed up your results grab a weighted vest - it will make your stronger, fitter, faster, and here is an awesome BOGO deal on the vest to help get you started.

Remember - your past, good or bad does not define you. It’s about showing up everyday from the heart, first for yourself, then for your family, your friends and the community.

Meet me in the living room.


Lisa xo

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