Thursday, May 2, 2019

BodyrockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Pull Up & Toes To Bar Help - Using Straps and BodyRock #FitFam Motivation: Meet Yve & Lazina!

"As A Beginner I Would Advise You Use A Resistance Band For Pull Ups To Get Proper Form and Strength. "
- Coach Lisa Marie

BodyRock #FitFam Motivation: Meet Yve and Lazina!

Our #FitFam never ceases to amaze and this week is no exception. If you’re on the fence about starting to train, or are floundering or thinking of giving up, just keep reading. These two absolutely inspiring BodyRockers are proof of the amazing things that can happen when you put aside your excuse, and focus on what will truly make you happy: health, confidence and strength. It all starts here  — keep reading!

Meet Yve

My journey started in 2013 with a sleeve surgery. Due to many health problems, the doctors decided to operate me. This gave me my ass kick and I wanted to change my life.
I've tried a lot of sports, but in 2015 I happened upon BodyRock by accident.  And I was scared. The exercises were amazing, and I did the workouts now and then, but then I abandoned it. In 2017, my weight loss had stalled again and I needed a new push. I started regularly with BodyRock again and quickly made progress. I love the workouts and make time to do them 5-6 times a week. I even wear one of the weighted vests.
Lisa inspires and motivates me again and again. Even though I haven't lost any weight the last few months, my body is still changing. I feel great and fit.
I feel so home in the BodyRock Insiders Group and I love the love and support all us members get there. Thank you Lisa and Sean. You're always there and keep me on track. I can't tell you in words how much you have changed my life.

Meet Lazina

It's been two weeks since I decided to take care of me first. I decided to restart BodyRock and eating healthy. I am making me a priority. The left picture is the day I started two weeks ago and the picture on right in black is today. I have lost 12lbs and 19 1/2 inches. I am doing my BodyRock workout and taking my Corgi for a 1-2 mile walk every day. I  am also doing intermittent fasting. I fast from 8pm-12pm. This picture was a little easier to post than the first one. I appreciate all of the support from all my BodyRock family. I thank Lisa, Sean and Freddy for BodyRock.

Are you a BodyRocker who wants to share her or his story with us? We’d love to hear it! Submit your stories to
But first! Are you a member of our BodyRock Insider’s Group on Facebook? If not, now’s the time to join. This is where our FitFam convenes to talk shop, asking questions and receiving advice on fitness, nutrition and life in general.

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