Thursday, May 9, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa Marie Featuring: Box Push Up & Tuck and The Importance of FitFam: How Staying Connected Will Make You Fitter

We all know families are important. Whether they're families you're born into or families you create yourself, these are the communities that sustain us through life's downs and keep us grounded during life's ups. When it comes to taking on the challenges of getting fit, it makes sense that you'd need community support for that, too.
So why is it that so many of us think we should be able to do it alone? Maybe it's that we figure we got ourselves into a mess (e.g. overweight, injured, sick) and we need to get ourselves out of it. Maybe it's that we are embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help, which can understandably seem daunting in a world awash with a newsfeed of seemingly "self-made" successes. The truth is no one is self-made and truly successful  — at least if your idea of success has anything to do with happiness. The sentiments are oxymoronic.
Long-term Success Isn't an Island

Think about any success you've had in life: graduating from school, getting a dream job or promotion, receiving an award. To get to this place, you may have done most of the grunt work alone, but somewhere, someone was cheering you on: a parent, a teacher, a mentor or friend. You had at least one person at some point in your life encourage you.
That's what a FitFam is all about: encouraging you and supporting you so you can reach your goals, whatever they are, and however long it takes. People who have a FitFam are far more likely to get fit and stay fit, too. We’re not making this shit up.Studies show that we are greatly influenced by the healthy (or unhealthy) actions of people around us and that people who hang out with fit friends tend to lose more weight.
Why? Because FitFam is there even when you get waylaid or lose sight of your path. FitFam is there especially then, actually. Your FitFam are the people who understand what you are going through because they have gone through it themselves, or they are going through it. They are your community: the group of people you can come back to when you've had a bad day and feel alone and discouraged.
And it's so easy to get discouraged, especially when you're just starting out. Some of the people in your life  — even people you love — won't understand or support your changes. It could be because they don't like the idea of losing the you they've become accustomed to: they are afraid you will somehow fundamentally change (which, you will: you will be happier and more confident). It could be because they are afraid if you change, you won't like or love them anymore (getting fit may change the way you feel about yourself, but a lower body fat percentage doesn't change how you feel about the people you care about). It could be because you making changes makes them feel bad about themselves: by striving to be better and by being successful, you hold a mirror to them and remind them of what they feel dissatisfied about in their own lives. It's unfortunate, but ultimately, it's their problem, not yours.

And remember, there will be many people who do support you: friends, family, coworkers and of course, us. We're proud to have a community of truly remarkable people who not only welcome new members to the FitFam, but full on embrace them in a total love-fest of support. Please, if you're trying to work toward a goal, do yourself a massive favor and join our BodyRock Insider's Group on Facebook. This is where our FitFam and trainers come to ask and answer questions about nutrition and generally chat, laugh, cry, encourage and support the ever-loving sweat outta one another. You don't have to dive into conversations right away if you don't want to, but lurk awhile, say hello: surround yourself with the support you need to succeed.
Our Insider’s Group is also a great place to get honest advice about workouts and gear. If you’ve been looking at a piece of equipment but aren’t sure if it’s right for you, then ask! Someone on there has it, guaranteed. Peer reviews are one of the most trusted ways to get information about products, so if you have any questions before you shop our Warehouse Sale, ask your FitFam: we will never steer you wrong!

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