Thursday, April 25, 2019

CMPD Weekly Briefing Presented by Tactical Workouts and Mobile Video Has Arrived

In 2016. the CMPD’s body-worn camera (BWC) program was launched and all patrol officers equipped with BWCs.[Video and more below]

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Using the information from the BWCs, we began compiling data on effective de-escalation techniques in 2018. The policy now requires officers to report every time they draw their weapon by tagging the BWC video of the incident. In 2019, CMPD has had 2,407 armed encounters. Out of those 2,405 have resulted in de-escalations. CMPD has transmitted the relevant portion of BWC recording to the courts, based on the petitioners’ requests. Moving forward, we will provide all body-worn camera video of the petitioned incident to the Superior Court judge.

Mobile Video Has Arrived
By: Harold Frank
There is a good chance that the mobile video that you are watching was shot by someone whose intention was to send it in to a TV show with hopes of winning a cash prize. There is nothing wrong with that, unless you are the poor sap that does something hopelessly dumb and then has to endure the embarrassment of the entire world watching you repeatedly enact the dumb move.

Some of the scenes that you see on these TV programs certainly seem to be scripted. Most of the time you can tell what is going to happen before it actually does. We can all imagine the old man sitting on a tree branch sawing away falling to the ground. Ouch! But it is funny. And how about the video of the middle aged lady trying to dance like she is a teenager; you know that scene is not going to have a happy ending. There is nothing like seeing Aunt Marge on YouTube lying on the ground with her legs sticking up in the air. Now that is entertainment.

Mobile video players are the most enticing device to watch short clips like these. There are smartphones, laptops, and iPads that are custom made for this type of entertainment. When you consider that most video clips are viewed on cell phones by people in their early 20’s to mid-30’s you start to get an idea how large the market is for mobile video. When you factor in music videos then the trend goes right off the chart.

Most of us are old enough to remember when ringtones for cell phones were the big download item. There were so many sites offering ringtones that it bordered on the ridiculous. It seems that the ringtone fad has seen better days and mobile video has taken its place. There is a very high demand for video clips that can be shown on all sorts of mobile devices and a vast array of companies have sprung up to fill the demand.

Muvee is an utility that may be embedded on to cell phones for mobile video production and editing. Videos created with this movie director software can be saved as 3GP format for play back on the phone alone or delivered to friends through Bluetooth or MMS. This means it is possible to manage your video clips on your cell phone without having to download them to your computer! Right now this is only accessible for some Nokia and LG mobile phones but is starting to become more widespread.

People with children will really understand the importance of mobile video systems in the car. Just imagine having one or two nice sized LCD monitors in the back of the car playing a DVD or even a TV program. Junior will be mesmerized by Sponge Bob and not find it necessary to drive you crazy. For the older kids just plug in the Xbox, Wii, or Nintendo player and all is well with the world.

There are various other rather more important applications for mobile video. There is navigational or global positioning system built right into the car. Another is as a backup camera, particularly helpful for drivers of big motor vehicles, for safe reversing. The police like mobile video because it allows them to film their interaction with a suspect which can later be used as evidence.

It’s time to discuss the 700 pound monkey in the back seat that every kid dreams about. What kid does not want to play their Play Station, Xbox or Nintendo game cube on a big screen right in the back seat of the car? Right now most of these options are available with in-car mobile video systems. Various video game models can be connected to your automobile but make certain before you purchase a video system and monitors that your children's preferred games will work with it.

Mobile video is just starting to takeoff. But make no mistake; at one time a radio in a car or even a portable radio was high tech, now everybody uses these devices without thinking about it. Mobile video and the devices that play them will soon be as common as the portable radio.

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