Tuesday, April 30, 2019

BodyRockTV Lisa-Marie Featuring: Elevated Goblet Kettlebell Squats

"I learned about BodyRock about a year and a half ago, and I have LOVED working out with you guys every week day. Truly. I love what you do. I love working out in my own living room. I've dropped weight and I feel REALLY great in my own skin! Thank you for all you do! I LOVE it!


"I LOVE BODYROCK! I teach Zumba all the time and have wanted to do weight training. I started BodyRock and fell in love. I have 3 kids and look better now then I did before I was a mom." 

"That im truelly inlove with bodyrock all the workouts and im currently doing a bootcamp and have seen results you guys are truelly amazing"

"The Meal Plan is awesome! Easy to do! It helps me, because I always ate the same things. If I want to lose weight, I would always omit the carbs and fat. But then I dont feel good and have no power. On the internet I only found different opinions about losing weight. But with your Meal Plan I am strong, have much power to work out and believe in myself! :))"   

"Seriously, I love BodyRock. The free workouts are the best deal around. All the Facebook posts and motivational pieces are great. The food is fantastic, the equipment is sturdy and fun to use, and my body feels the benefits from using it all. Thank you BodyRock 💗"

"Thank you every one at body rock. You inspire and push me to become the best I can be. I started body rock to train for a tough mudder a few years ago. Since then I have become addicted to hiit max and have completed 4 more tough mudders. Thank you everyone at body rock. I love you all as if I knew you. Keep it up. Can't wait for more! Now come on and kick my ass in the living room!"

"I would like to tell how great you are guys and wanted to thank you for all you do for us. You are the game changer and I am glad I joined the Bodyrock club." 

"I think you guys are great. There are so many that can't afford a gym and can't get motivated but, you offer great workouts FREE and that way there is no excuse plus it's great to see you workout along with us. Keep up the great work! You are changing lives!"

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