Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Bodycam Channel Featuring: Dash Cam Warrant Arrest Turn into a Melee Presented by Tactical Workouts

🔴Volume Warning🔴 Grand Rapids, Michigan --- Grand Rapids Police Department --- The video shows the ICV view of an officer who initiated a traffic stop while investigating a fight call in the 100 block of Labelle St SE on March 25, 2019. It was discovered a male passenger in the vehicle had a warrant and when he was advised to exit the vehicle with his hands in view, he refused the officer’s commands.

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The man had to be forced out of the vehicle and resisted the officer’s attempts to place him into custody. The individual and officer fell to the ground, where the man began to scratch at the officer’s face, neck and throat. He also attempted to gain access to the officer’s weapons and bit the officer on his tricep. Several occupants of the vehicle exited and attempted to interfere with the officer’s attempts to arrest the individual, causing the second officer to split his attention between his partner fighting with the individual and keeping the others away. Both the primary officer and male passenger received minor injuries and were treated at an area hospital. My entire channel has been demonetized. 👮If ever you want to encourage me you could toss me a 1$ or 2$ or more one-time tip if you want at . Or Bitcoin: 1D5dqpHKvBq5Kg6C1wjyt68cpTqYaod6Uf. Thank you for watching and thank you for the ones who already help! I do it for you.

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