Sunday, March 31, 2019

Yahoo Small Business Presents - 2019 USA Powerlifting High School Nationals

2019 USA Powerlifting High School Nationals - Sunday [Live Stream Video at the bottom of this page]

Presented on US Sports Net By Yahoo Small Business!

Now this "Teachable Moment" from!

Trap Bar Jumps- a New Favorite

Michael Boyle -  
I love Trap Bar jumps. I wish I could say who gave me this idea as I'd love to give them credit.
In any case, to properly discuss Trap bar Jumps, we need some context. I love Olympic lifts but, I also know they are not for everyone. All our athlete programs, except our baseball program, begin with Olympic lifts. However in our summer Pro Hockey group we have a number of athletes who have never trained with us before and are either unfamiliar with Olympic lifts, don't want to Olympic lift, or both.
This means that we need an alternative explosive exercise. In some cases we did additional jumps, in other swings, and in others we used our MVP Shuttle or Vertimax.

When we started to Trap Bar Jump, this quickly became our go-to exercise for power with athletes that were not Olympic lifting.

Before we get too carried away, lets talk a bit about “how” we do these. We know our “why” is explosive power development but, “how” can get a bit fuzzy. Our idea as to “how” to do Trap Bar Jumps comes from the work of JB Morin. JB's actual work was in sled sprinting but, if you bear with me you'll see how the two ideas mesh.

JB has spent years investigating the correct way to determine loads for sled sprints. To make a long story short, JB's extensive research basically led him to conclude that the sled load should result in a time that is 150% of the unloaded time at the same distance. This means that the correct load for a guy who runs a 1.5 sec 10 yard dash is a load that caused him to run a 2.25 sec 10 yard sled sprint. The big key point here is that load is not based on the athletes bodyweight but is based on how the load effects his speed. Join today to keep reading........

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