Thursday, March 7, 2019

Tactical Workouts Present Video Leak Police Featuring: No Criminal Charges for Deputies In Taser Death - Millbrae, CA

Critical Incident Video: Chinedu Okobi 10/3/2018. San Mateo County, California --- Published on Mar 4, 2019 Video chronology of incident. The San Mateo County District Attorney's Office announced Friday that the five sheriff's deputies being investigated for the Taser stun gun death of an unarmed man in Millbrae will not be charged. [Video and more below]

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Last October, five San Mateo County sheriff's deputies tased Chinedu Okobi, 36, during an encounter in Millbrae. Okobi, who had a history of mental illness, was unarmed and died during the struggle. The video released Friday -- a compilation of about 30 minutes of dashcam, cell and surveillance video -- shows a deputy driving in a patrol car and approaching Okobi, who is walking near a busy road. Wagstaffe said the deputy first approached Okobi because Okobi had crossed the road against the light and outside of a crosswalk. Wagstaffe said Okobi didn't comply with the officer's request to talk on a sidewalk and continued to walk in traffic, and the deputy called for backup. Other deputies responded, and the first deputy warned Okobi he would be Tased. He deployed the Taser when Okobi "continued to ignore instructions" and moved toward the deputy, according to a letter from Wagstaffe to the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office saying the officers would not be charged. In the video, Okobi is seen falling to the ground, asking "What did I do?" and calling for help. Wagstaffe's letter says the deputy activated the Taser several more times because Okobi was resisting and was "agitated, speaking incoherently, excited." Okobi is then seen running across the street. The letter says the deputy thought the Taser was ineffective and wasn't sure how the officers could detain Okobi, who weighed over 300 pounds, "given his size and strength." The deputy attempted to use his collapsible baton because Okobi's "level of resistance was escalating," the letter says. Okobi is seen swinging at the officer, which the letter says resulted in a seven-centimeter laceration on the officer's face. Several deputies tackled Okobi and attempted to handcuff him as he struggled, the letter said. They also used pepper spray, but it apparently struck an officer. Deputies handcuffed Okobi and put him in a sitting position when medical personnel responded, according to the letter. As paramedics attempted to move him into an ambulance, they could no longer detect a pulse, and saw Okobi had gone into cardiac arrest, the letter said. Medical personnel weren't able to revive him. A coroner ruled the cause of death as "cardiac arrest following physical exertion, physical restraint, and recent electro-muscular disruption," and listed cardiomyopathy -- a heart condition -- as a contributing factor. The death was ruled a homicide, Wagstaffe said. . 🚨♦Disclaimer🚨: This video is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing the footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. 🚨 👮If you like watching my videos then you could toss me a 1$ or 2$ or more one-time tip if you want at .Thank you for watching and thank you for your help!

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