Sunday, March 3, 2019

Tactical Workouts Present The FBI Files Featuring: S02E07 The Dixie Mafia and The Lost Glory

The FBI Files S02E07 The Dixie Mafia [Video and more below]

The Lost Glory
By: Sandeep Bhattarai

Going on with the Government of Nepal’s booklet "A Brief Introduction to Village Councils & Municipal Councils in Nepal 2017", Nepal has altogether 766 local units, 6 metropolitan cities, 11 sub-metropolis, 276 municipalities, 460 village councils (Gaunpalikas) and 6,553 wards Given the adequacy of different public service offices strategically located nationwide and despite the laid down specifics to be categorically achieved by them, one can only but wonder why has the gross inefficiency of these offices not been penalized till date? A classic case of impunity paramount in the country no doubt.

Revolutionary Tactical Strength and Conditioning Program Provides A Simple Training Blueprint to Help You Gain Strength, Boost Power, and Rebuild Your Body
Image result for The FBI Files S02E07 The Dixie Mafia

World’s Greatest Military Operators and Law Enforcement Professionals Reveal the Secret Training System Used By Elite Tactical Athletes

TO: ðŸ‘ŠðŸŽ–️Military Operators, Law Enforcement Professionals, and Prepared Citizens Serious About Building Tactical Muscle
RE: ðŸ’ªSpecial Report by Joseph Arangio, Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach...Keep reading......

Law governing the society should always be fair, severe and timely. While fairness heralds impartiality with regard to social standing of the defaulter, severity of punishment is the intensity of retribution to ensure non-repetition of offense by the guilty and those harboring ill-will. Timely execution of the law again has its own importance. Going on with the adage Justice delayed is justice denied, when/if it takes forever in the proceedings to punish a single criminal, it adds to the confidence of other miscreants. The reason social ills like indiscipline, unaccountability and the "devil may care" attitude remains adamantly entrenched in the society is due to lack of proper authority to efficiently and effectively sentence the culprit.

Of late, people in general have become far too individualist. This self-centeredness has by far overshadowed any sense of consideration for others. The decadence is more conspicuous with us Nepalese and our deteriorating sense of nation and nationality in that we seem to have gone completely oblivious to our civic responsibility and our basic obligation as an inhabitant of the country. Why is it so hard to realize that If the nation itself ceased to exist, it would also rid us of our individuality? Why are we so hell bent on destroying our own nation as a result of our growing apathy towards it?

With each forward step all other countries in the world are taking in the path of self sufficiency and sustainable development, we seem to be retreating to the uncivilized era of the yore. Corruption laced politicians and bureaucrats, incompetent professionals and professors, bickering trade unions and transport agents, student hooliganism, yellow journalism, inefficient law and justice, tainted security system all paints a picture of the society where majority of people are ever struggling to make their ends meet. Their potentiality and creativity are crushed under massive boulders of poverty and scarcity. Development works are near stagnant and economy is in doldrums. Kathmandu, the sole metropolitan city of Nepal is one of the ugliest capital cities in the entire world. Garbage heaps, littered roads and alleys, lack of even the most basic facilities like proper drinking water and drainage system, non-existent street lightings and public toilets, inadequate/improper roads, undisciplined traffic, excess particle pollution, and everything that sounds unruly and spells mayhem horrendously haunts the very existence of humanity here. All this makes us wonder why the globe tottering politicians who never tire hopping from one junket to another in one pretext or the other are never ashamed of the pathetic condition of their own motherland? Does their conscience never question their incompetency? Or are they so blinded by greed for green to care less since each international visits made only means more opportunity to beg for increased assistance by showcasing the grotesque state of the country?

Us Nepalese have been tricked, ridiculed, robbed and played upon our sentiments by political figures innumerable times. In spite of this, we keep on treating them as our mentor. We are never tired of clamoring around them all eyes and ears nodding ludicrously and applauding with gaiety their wild oratory. This is despite our full knowledge that most of their wanton and hallow wag of tongue are nothing better than well devised means to beat a path to power for furthering their individual vested interest. While the country has been reeling under derogatoriness and disarray for decades, we do nothing to punish these degenerates. So truly had the great Napoleon Bonaparte once stated "The world suffers a lot not because of the violence of bad people but because of the silence of the good people".

I know it is far easier to criticize than to create. Fact remains, the disorderly picture often portrayed of our country can gradually be corrected. The only hindering factor here seems to be absence of determination of all concerned and the imperative change of mindset from condition of stagnation to creation and construction. Nepal is a country where natural bestowment is diverse and in plentiful, where resources still remain unexploited and unexplored, and where ways are many but will is nil. The continual whining and crying over the half-emptiness of the glass instead of trying to make most out of the other half that is full has been the major roadblock in the path of perfection for Nepal. Let's face it; a beggar can never attain any progress in his life if he continues to be dependent upon the mercy of others.

Today, Nepal is more in need of social/economical transformation than in any other past. And, for transformation to take place, there should initially be a break in tradition, in the old ways of thinking and in old paradigm. Let us all learn to love and respect our nation and fellow inhabitants first. This accomplished, we shall not only automatically build our civic sense which we are so in dire need of, but also pave way in sorting out myriad of other problems presently gnawing our nation. Finally, in order to ensure effective curbing of crimes, need for stringent legal measures cannot be overemphasized. Authorities should be made accountable for their actions or the lack of it with zero tolerance in taking disciplinary measures against the culpable. Only then can our nation hopefully reclaim its lost pride and glory.
A banker by profession working in Nabil Bank Limited in the capacity of Operation In-Charge at Kathmandu Nepal.

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