Saturday, March 2, 2019

StrengthCoach The Latest 'Tis the In-Season, Pre-Season, Off-Season, All Seasons, We Have the Answers

Some of The Latest Forum Threads
Here are this week's "Friday Forum Five," some of the latest active forum posts:

Thomas started a very thorough thread that went pretty deep into the issue. Contributions from myself, Elsbeth Vaino and Eugenia Bradshaw

Critique ProgrammeAidan McCarron
This is great! Aidan started this thread in November and restarted it with some new info and more questions about his current situation.  

Kevin has been given an assignment to program for in-season women's tennis in Texas. Tennis players in my experience can often be average athletes who have worked hard at tennis. They will benefit greatly from a good in-season program.
Contributions from Kevin, myself and Stryder Blackburn

Gabriel was wondering "Are there different benefits for each? Do you use both? Do you progress from ipsi to contra? How do you incorporate these into your group programs?"
Let us know what you use.
Contributions from myself, Mitchell Lamm and Alwyn Cosgrove

Max has been modeling his program after a pitcher's s&c program and wanted to know if that completely wrong. Interesting thread. We posted last week but a few more great responses including a great long one from Nika Ouellette 

Check out Anthony's interview with Josh Henkin on Episode 249 of The Strength Coach Podcast. In the podcast, I expand on "Looking the Part," "The Performance of Coaching" and "Know Like and Trust."

There have been new Coach's Minute added as well.

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