Thursday, March 7, 2019

HItchFit Supplements For Health

Why Supplements Can Be your Key Component
Close up of lemon and pills isolated – vitamin concept
First you tell me that fitness and diet are essential to maintaining a healthy body that’s strong and in shape; now you’re going to talk about supplementing with pills and powders? The short answer: yes! Fitness and a balanced diet are keys to healthy, happy living. However, in some cases it just may not be enough. Despite the theory that our ancestors lived good long lives strictly on the earth’s product, their lives were quite short. Sicknesses killed them off quickly, in addition to simply “old age”. According to historical data, the average life expectancy of an adult in 1900 was about 47 years old. A far cry from the late 70’s and 80’s we see today.
Well then, what’s the point, you may be asking. The point is we have modern medicine. Our society now has the solution to many of the problems that our bodies encounter, which in the past would have caused death. However, because of these new scientific breakthroughs, and the advent of processed foods, humans are far less likely to take care of their bodies the same way our ancestors did. So, yes, we live longer – but at what cost? Successful healthy living means eating right and exercising.
In addition to that, we need to think about the foods we actually do eat. Even though they are healthy, foods like canned tuna have lost some of their nutrients in the packaging process. Vegetables and grains, when harvested by machine, lose some value in the process. Because of this, food is often just not enough to maintain our body’s chemical balance. Vitamin C is taken on a daily basis by millions of Americans, and has been shown to fend off pesky colds and flues in the appropriate seasons. Protein is another common supplement, and one that bodybuilders use most often. Since the body burns energy so quickly when a person is committed to a workout routine, protein needs elevate. If you are trying to build muscle while getting in shape, you should consider a protein powder supplement.
There are different forms of supplements as well. Pill, powder, liquid, etc. Protein is often encouraged in powder format, since it can be added to a morning smoothie to really pack in the nutrients. There are also nutrient bars, able to be consumed as a delicious afternoon snack. Energy levels increase significantly when highly active individuals supplement their diets with protein. Vitamins such as C and B6 are generally taken in pill format, and supplements such as fish oil can be taken in pill or liquid format. Whatever form you choose, make sure you check with your physician to ensure the correct dose for your specific body type and fitness goals. Check out our success stories to see how their routines changed, and what nutrients they needed to incorporate in order to get in Hitch Fit shape!
Are you looking for your best option for a new lifestyle? Look into a Hitch Fit program, and jump start your life into amazing shape!

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