Friday, March 22, 2019

HItchFit - How To Be A Picky Eater

I know what you’re thinking: “Isn’t being a picky eater something we’ve been taught to avoid?” Yes! However, when you’re trying to live a happy, healthy lifestyle in today’s world, being picky is your only option. Here are some steps to ensuring you are being choosy in your eating decisions
  1. Think Simple: Avoid highly-processed options, and stick to the simple one-ingredient foods whenever possible. An apple contains only one ingredient – the apple! When choosing salmon for a dinner option, ensure it’s free of dyes or chemicals, and resist the urge to slather butter and salt all over it. Stick to lemon juice and rosemary if you need added flavor. The shorter your ingredient list, the healthier your option is. Bonus: if you can actually pronounce all the ingredients – it’s even better!
  2. Keep It In Moderation: Whether you have made the perfect healthy choice, or needed to settle for something less than ideal, consume it in moderation. Stick to the correct portion size, and no more. Is splurge day upon you? Resist the urge to wolf everything containing sugar down. Enjoy some of your favorite irresistible items, but make sure it’s well within the serving size. It is so much harder to return to healthy eating if you haven’t employed moderation.
  3. Try Something New: Dragonfruit is an impressive –looking fruit, and one you should try! Don’t stick with the usual hum-drum choices day after day. Switch it up and grab a new healthy item to keep your resolve even stronger. Variety is akin to a shoulder to rest on during the 30th
  4. Stick To Regular Colors: Now, you know that box of macaroni and cheese is just not a normal color! Stay away from this, and other, type of highly-processed food. The beautifully-deep purple of the eggplant, and bright sunny yellow of a lemon tell you that either one would be a fabulous eating choice. (Although, that lemon could be better squeezed into a glass of iced tea or water, some would say.)
  5. Plan Ahead: The classic fast food places just aren’t going to carry the grass-fed, hormone-free meat you’re in search of. Avoid places you know aren’t going to stock your healthy choices, or go in knowing the healthiest choice available, signifying your decision to have a “free day.” Do your research and know what an eating establishment has to offer from your very limited menu options. (Want other options for rewarding your fitness milestones? Check out this article.) For on-the-go snacks, avoid the vending machine all together, and prepare your snacks in advance. Bag up almonds in mini zippered bags, or grab an apple to throw in your gym bag or purse for an emergency snack.
When it comes to your health, you can’t afford to be anything less than picky. Start studying your options with a critical eye, and stick to your guns on healthy opinions. In what ways are you a picky eater? Share your comments with us below!

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