Wednesday, March 13, 2019

CoachTube Presents: Göktan Çelik Class of 2020 Volleyball Recruiting Video

Block Reech 11,4 Attack Reech 11,7 [Highlight Video Is Below]

Presented by CoachTube Volleyball!


2018 Coaching School Volleyball Lectures

What is the THSCA Coaching School & Convention? The THSCA Convention & Coaching School is the most comprehensive athletics conference in the state of Texas. This four-day annual conference offers a wide range of education sessions on both male and female sports, athletic administration, as well as health and safety topics, multiple networking opportunities, rules meetings, an on-site job room, an awards luncheon, and an astounding array of exhibits. On average the THSCA Convention draws an attendance of over 12,000 coaches, athletic directors, exhibitors and fans of athletics. The THSCA Convention and Coaching School is open to anyone who would like to register and pay the conference tuition fee. You do not have to be a member of the association to attend.
Texas High School Coaches AssociationHELPING COACHES TO HELP KIDS
The Texas High School Coaches Association (THSCA) is the principle advocate and leadership organization for Texas high school coaches. THSCA provides the highest quality representation, education, and services to Texas high school coaches and affiliate members, and enhances the professionalism of coaches and the schools they represent. Our mission statement is simply this: To help and serve our Texas high school coaches as they work to help and serve our student athletes. "HELPING COACHES TO HELP KIDS." Book this course......
Volleyball Strength and Conditioning Resources from
Jump, Set, Spike!
Welcome to the Volleyball Training and Conditioning. Get ready to become a more powerful volleyball player by increasing your vertical jump and speed on the court!
Junior Club Volleyball Performance Training Methodology (Part I)
"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson The realities of the high school and club volleyball schedule offer several significant limitations to performance training and physical preparation but, if we look closely, within that schedule also lies great opportunity. In order to develop a successful training program we have to be comprehensive in our planning and preparation processes then execute that plan effectively. Any athlete who has ever worked to improve their vertical jump, strength, agility, conditioning, etc, realizes that progress does not always come easily as nothing of value ever does. Yet the ultimate goal is to help athletes make the most of themselves and it is my hope that this article series will help volleyball coaches and athletes develop a plan to do just that.... keep reading
Vertical Jump Methodology
Strength training plays an integral role to support high performance on the volleyball court but the process that enhances performance is the development of speed and power. Strength training alone would limit performance enhancement for the sport without a specific focus on the time allowed for the application of force in jumping, hitting, blocking, short sprints, and changes of direction. These qualities are referred to as speed, power, elasticity, and rate of force development (RFD) and they are expressed in volleyball through several different yet complementary mechanisms. To put it simply each skill in volleyball requires a unique combination of these abilities and this combination functions optimally if they are developed appropriately.... keep reading

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