Sunday, March 17, 2019

Beast Sports Presents The Serious Workout Of The Day on US Sports Net!

Today's workout Athletes and Warriors is your first cardio portion. Be sure to go at your own pace and choose activities or exercises that you enjoy. If this is your first workout be sure to consult with your doctor before engaging in any fitness or nutrition program [full workout is below]

Strength vs. Cardio: Which Should You Go For?

By: Brendan Ballance

Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet helps in maintaining a healthy body. Besides, the healthy eating, working out regularly is one of the excellent ways to stay fit and active. Additionally, you can pop in a few supplements or performance enhancements such as steroids from steroid-seller to help you train better and efficiently.

One of the most frequently asked workout questions is, which one should I pick between a cardio or strength session? Well, this question is tricky, to say the least. Because both forms of training are right and have significant benefits for your body.

Nonetheless, it also helps draw a line between the two forms of exercises.

Ok, So What’s the Difference Between Strength and Cardio Workouts

According to a recent study, strength training carries the day concerning hormonal adaptations. This is because it affects almost all hormonal systems. Nonetheless, the growth and testosterone hormones create the significant difference in the battle of cardio vs. strength.

Ok, let's break that down.

The primary purpose of the growth hormone is to restoration and repair of almost all body tissues, for instance, bones, muscles, cartilages alongside others. On the other hand, testosterone controls a number of your body functions, most commonly your libido, strength, muscle growth, and blood sugar. Resistance workouts are done while switching the number of reps, sets, and tempo trigger the release of the growth chemical in people of all age groups.

Cardio workouts quite a small number oy your body’s hormonal systems, most commonly, insulin and cortisol. Cardio sessions affect how your body responds to insulin, cutting down the risk of metabolic syndrome. Additionally, it helps in the mobilization of fat stores in the body to be used as fuel.

Even though weight training can help in shedding extra weight, cardio edges over through its capability of triggering that fat burn process instantly.

Cardio Workouts......keep reading....

Week 1 - Day 2 (Sunday) of US Sports Strength & Conditioning Free Demo's Program
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Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
5 Minute Cardio Warmup
105 Beats Per Minute. This is a basic warmup. Keep things nice and smooth! You can choose any exercise that feels best to you. Biking, Elyptical, Jogging, Walking etc. 
20 Minute Cardio Session
124 Beats Per Minute. Get ready for a good workout. Remember to keep drinking water throughout your exercise session. Keep up your intensity! 
5 Minute Cardio Session
132 Beats Per Minute. Here we go with a little more intensity! If this is too hard (or not hard enough) you can fine tune your recommended heart rate up or down to fit your individual needs. Have fun! 
5 Minute Easy Cooldown Activity
105 Beats Per Minute. This is a basic cooldown session. It is helpful to cooldown after your exercise session! If you have time, try to do a little stretching as well.

For more workout tips visit Beast Sports Nutrition Today!

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