Sunday, March 24, 2019

Beast Sports Nutrition Serious Workout Of The Day Week 2 Day 2

Hey There Athletes and Warriors!
We continue on through week 2 of your SWOD with your first cardio session of this week. And again we add a little more time to this portion of your workout.

Be sure as always to stay hydrated, keep your meal planning as clean as you can, and go at your own pace. The intensity of this workout was originally set for a particular athlete. Adjust any factor to fit your present fitness level. Fitness is a race won by the diligent, not the swiftest.  Rock on and hit the comment section or pop me an email  for any questions and to let us know how your workout program is going

-Coach Nate

After this tip from Beast Sports Nutrition we will get to the workout:

Week 2 - Day 2 (Sunday) of US Sports Strength and Conditioning Free Demo's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Hard

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
5 Minute Cardio Warmup
105 Beats Per Minute. This is a basic warmup. Keep things nice and smooth! You can choose any exercise that feels best to you. Biking, Elyptical, Jogging, Walking etc. 
20 Minute Cardio Session
139 Beats Per Minute. Get ready for a good workout. Remember to keep drinking water throughout your exercise session. Keep up your intensity! 
5 Minute Cardio Session
147 Beats Per Minute. Here we go with a little more intensity! If this is too hard (or not hard enough) you can fine tune your recommended heart rate up or down to fit your individual needs. Have fun! 
5 Minute Easy Cooldown Activity
105 Beats Per Minute. This is a basic cooldown session. It is helpful to cooldown after your exercise session! If you have time, try to do a little stretching as well. 

*Please consult a physician before engaging in any fitness or nutrition program

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