Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Beast Sports Nutrition Presents The Serious Workout Of The Day!

Good Day Athletes and Warriors!
Day 4 of the SWOD is another cardio session. Today's workout is a little longer than day 2, so as always adjust the intensity and time to fit your present fitness level. If this is your first workout, be sure to consult with a doctor before engaging in any exercise, fitness, or nutritional program. Noooowwww....' Let's get after it!

Week 1 - Day 4 (Tuesday) of US Sports Strength and Conditioning Free Demo's ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise

SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
5 Minute Cardio Warmup
105 Beats Per Minute. As always I will start things off nice and easy for you. Warming your body up is important for both injury prevention and for performance. Have a great workout and keep a positive attitude! 
20 Minute Cardio Session
124 Beats Per Minute. Get ready for a good workout. Remember to keep drinking water throughout your exercise session. Keep up your intensity! 
10 Minute Cardio Session
132 Beats Per Minute. Stay focused during this more intense 10 minute section. Don't forget to monitor your heart rate periodically throughout your exercise session. Keep working hard and you will reach your goals! 
5 Minute Easy Cooldown Activity
105 Beats Per Minute. Great job on your workout. Now, back off on the intensity and sowly cool your body down. As always, a few minutes of light stretching can help in the recovery process! 

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