Tuesday, February 12, 2019

HitchFit- Home Fitness Program

Online Training Client Sheds 26 pounds with At Home Fitness Program! 

I am delighted to share Hitch Fit online personal training http://shrsl.com/1fyi2 ) client Heather’s story with you today! Heather has overcome a lot of obstacles to achieve an amazing transformation, and she did all of this at her home gym. She has an inspiring story that is going to motivate many others to start making the same great choices that she did. Her pictures are Rock Star. She shed 26 pounds over the course of her 12 week lose weight program, she shed 8 inches off her waist and 5 inches off her hips and went from 30% body fat to 20%, scale wise she went from 174 pounds to 148! Heather is not only a Hitch Fit success story, she continually pays it forward on the Hitch Fit facebook pages, always offering encouraging words and advice to the people who are going down the same journey that she has gone! Congratulations Heather!

This past March I found myself at 40 years old, weighing the most I’ve ever weighed in my life (174 pounds) and needing surgery on my neck to replace 2 bulged discs and needing C5 plated to C6 and C6 to C7. Turning 40 in October was hard enough, then needing surgery the following March was icing on the cake. Something needed to change. I was constantly depressed (even though I was taking anti-depressants), had no self esteem, no energy and no self worth. I had surgery on March 16, 2011. After surgery I was on a 5 pound weight restriction for 6 weeks and in a cervical collar 24/7.  My weight restrictions were lifted to 5+ pounds every week thereafter provided my x rays were good. I decided that once my weight restrictions were lifted altogether that I was going to start eating right and working out. However, I was not going to set myself up for failure. I needed someone to answer to. So I started looking online for personal trainers. My husband has always been into keeping fit and working out, therefore, we have a ton of gym equipment in our basement (you’d think that would be incentive enough to be fit….nope. Couch potato was always more appealing.) So being as I had the equipment at home, I wanted to find someway that I could train at home. I came across HitchFit on Facebook, which led me to the HitchFit website. Hmmm…#1 Online Personal Training System. I started looking at the programs and all of the transformations that were posted, so I started looking into the background of Micah and Diana. Well, this was a no brainer. These were the people that I needed to contact............Read her full story with videos......

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